There Is A Multitude Of Vexed Souls

PLEASE EXCUSE THE INTERRUPTIONS. Satan has free access to the world of souls that live outside the protection of Christ’s victorious blood. If unsaved people could know that living in sin is dangerous because Satan is out to destroy them, it would likely change their mind about Jesus Christ. He alone is the Name and Power to set them free from the hellish future that awaits them, both here in this world and, especially, in eternity. This present hour of prophetic fulfillment shows us the last barrage of this mortal enemy. No one will suffer more in these last times than unsaved people that don’t know anything about calling on the name of Jesus Christ. You, as an individual, can change that today by pausing right now and surrendering to Christ as your Savior and Lord. It must be from your heart and it must be an utter total surrender. Start today living by the Bible and keeping His Words.
BELIEVERS: There are multitudes of good people that go to church and profess Jesus Christ, but are living unsafe lives. There are a host of things that, if allowed to control your life, can open you up to be tormented and vexed by Satan. Let me name a few that we deal with in this broadcast:
1. Trusting in your flesh and leaning on the arm of man is not a safe life for a believer. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5.) The flesh is woefully inadequate to keep you safe from the devil.
2. Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco and any habit forming or mind-altering substance will open you up to the unclean spirit world. Satan is looking for a door into every life. Your mind is a gateway that must be watched over with Scripture and spiritual wisdom.
3. I talk about Fear, Disobedience, Fornication, New Age Religions, and other bondages that will give Satan a ground to attack. Keep yourself under the Blood and in the Holy Bible.
NEXT WEEK: “Unclean Spirits Can Cripple Human Bodies”

4 thoughts on “There Is A Multitude Of Vexed Souls

  1. Dear Pastor Chambers, you said, “If unsaved people could know that living in sin is dangerous because Satan is out to destroy them it would likely change their mind about Jesus Christ.” Although correct, unsaved people do not really have a choice about living in sin. The reason they have no choice is their nature is fallen and sin is what they do and love above all else. Unless God intervenes in their life, they will perish. And, unless we go before the Lord on their behalf, they will not hear the call to salvation. So, from a biblical perspective, our first step is to spend more time in prayer for those without the Spirit of Christ.

    Brother Jim,
    I understand human depravity, but I do not believe anyone is so depraves they cannot pick up a Bible and start toward God. Then the Holy Spirit will begin His drawing ministry.
    The Christ of this Bible said, “Whosoever Will”
    Pastor Joseph

  2. Dear Brother Joseph, May I offer a answer to Jim first? Jim, while it is true to pray to our Father on the sinners behalf, is that all we do? the answer is “no” if you do “not” go into the streets and towns where you live, and tell the people about Jesus and all that He stands for, How are they going to know that you are praying for them? the Lord added daily such as should be saved, How will they know if we do not go out into the world and preach the Gospel, it is the Lord through “us” that added to the church, our faith in action “works”. About twenty five years ago and for nine years while ministering in an other town The Holy Spirit would gather upto five hundred people to listen to the gospel, many souls were saved and some were healed right there in the town centre. May gospel tracts were given and freely received. Today, and for the last three years, I preach to as many as five thousand people, “who just walk past me” there is no interest in the gospel at all. They have become lovers of sin and themselves, their hearts are cold toward God, their eyes are blinded and their ears are stopped by satan toward the gospel. It tears me apart to see such hardness of heart toward God, I weep for them while I am preaching, there has been just two souls saved in three years of ministry, and they receive very few gospel tracts. satan is very cruel, he does his job very well. My heart is for an out pouring of God’s Holy Spirit before the Lord Jesus Christ’s return. Bless you Jim, thank you Paster Joseph. David Day

  3. Pastor Cambers, I am confused by your response. John 6:44 says, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…” John 6:65 says the same. The Bible says salvation is of the Lord and begins with Him. It would appear that a sinner who picks up the Bible does so in response to the move of the Holy Spirit over that person’s dead spirit; that is, that person is given a little light and if received, God gives him more. Thus, we may rightly say, “Who so ever will may come.” At any point along the way to salvation, the sinner may chose not to come and slink back into darkness.

  4. Hello Brother Chambers.

    To answer the question as to whether unsaved people would change their minds if they knew where sin will lead them, I think that history proves that most will not. The gospel message has been out there 2000 years now and most of the world still rejects it.
    Now in these Last Days it is just as it has always been even in Old Testament times, only a remnant will ever accept God’s way of doing things.
    Fact of the matter is, most people just don’t want to know the truth because that would make them – – – ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. And that is particularly unpopular concept in our “anything goes” society today.