The Battle in Religious Music


Music was created to be a language of the human spirit. It was never meant to be called the language of the soul. Man is a spiritual creature and singing is one of man’s highest ideals. Life without music and singing would be dull and empty. Not only is music a language of our human spirit, it is also a primary language of our worship. The human spirit is our direct line of communion with God. Spiritual singing unites us to Him for fellowship and life. “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19).

Singing was ordained by God to be full of Him, His words, and answers that satisfy our daily longing after Him. Modern music is similar to Modern art and Modern living, it is full of questions with very few answers. It is like a painting full of color with no capturing scenes. Modern music is almost totally the same theology as the “positive thinking” ideas of Robert Schuller. Rick Warren calls his church, “The flock that rocks.” You are not likely to find a liberal church that is now called “The Emerging Church” that sings Gospel music. Modern/Contemporary music is the music of churches that have left the fundamentals of Holy Scripture.

I have spent about two weeks trying to listen as much as possible to music from both the Gospel styles and the Modern styles. As I have listened, I have kept extensive notes. I use these two terms to cover the many variations of each category. Please understand that I know there is a little decent music in the Modern variations, and there are some very bad songs and styles in the Gospel variations. My words are not meant to sweep with a broom that is too broad, but I must speak truth.

While listening to Gospel music, I have found an overwhelming abundance of themes straight out of Holy Scripture. Here are some of the actual words that fill the songs: Calvary, forgiveness, being Born Again, repentance from sin, and the consequences of living an unholy life are constantly present. The Blood of Christ is also a constant theme. The Born-Again life of happiness and holiness is heard over and over. Terms like “straight and narrow,” “whosoever will,” “Jesus Christ died for one and all,” and “He set me free” are sung in many songs.

There is an extremely strong presence in Gospel singing of the prophetic messages in the Bible. “The Rapture,” “the sounding of the trumpet,” “going home with Jesus,” and “in the twinkling of an eye” are some happy themes often heard. Our future robes of “spotless white” and the great “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” are never forgotten. In fact, after one straight session of only ninety minutes, I had heard every theme I could name out of the Holy Bible. By listening to Gospel music — including Southern Gospel, Church Hymns, etc. — you will get an understanding of the Christian life, along with the great truths that we believe and love. It’s easy to understand that Gospel singing is going to be the music of any strong Bible-believing church.

Listening to the Modern music has really been an education for me. I find it almost impossible to explain my experience. I have not heard one whisper of prophecy in all the Modern music to which I have listened. I heard the Blood of Christ casually named one time. I made a note for myself after a full hour of listening, “One hour and not one word of His blood or Calvary, not one word of repentance or sorrow for sins.” That hour had been nothing but “praise and thanks” that gave no valid understanding of what brought them to such a state of ecstasy. Believe me; the “state of ecstasy” had been on a pitch above normal even for a Pentecostal like me.

After Sirius XM, I tried the Billy Graham station in Black Mountain, NC, and all the songs were of no understandable difference. I heard one requested song that was played for a woman in the hospital. The theme was, “I waited for you today, I needed you today,” but there was never an answer given to that lady’s needs. As I said earlier, the only answers in the Modern music I heard was to just “praise Him” regardless of the situation. It’s like praising someone that you have really never come to know in the great revelations of the Holy Bible. It was religious “positive thinking” saturating every song.

It appears to me that once an individual is hooked on Modern/Contemporary music, there is no turning around. It is soulical music and it creates a strong religious satisfaction and bondage that defies escape. It’s religious noise that drives the human emotions wild. It’s a “god” without standards, convictions, or adherence to Biblical truth. Their response is “I just like it so, leave me alone.”

I have come to believe more strongly than ever that Gospel music is music that is full of answers, while Modern/Contemporary music is full of vain repetitions. While most of the questions are not bad, modern theology and music has forgotten how to proclaim God’s straight Biblical answers to human life. Gospel music is Christ-centered and Bible-centered, while Modern/Contemporary music is man-centered and emotions-centered. Gospel music is the source of great joy because it blends the answers with the questions. Gospel music is also full of praise, but with great understanding of the God and Christ we are praising.

I know this article is incomplete because no one person has all of God’s answers. Please be a part of discussing this article by going to our Internet and adding your own postscript. It is located at the bottom of the page containing the full article. I will be reading your opinions and watching for what I expect will be a healthy discussion. The URL for this article, “The Battle in Religious Music,” is Please be a part of these discussions.

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139 thoughts on “The Battle in Religious Music

  1. Please go to my site and listen to a song the Holy Spirit wrote entitled “The Conviction”. Give me your feed back as I enjoy reading and listening to you.

  2. Many thanks for this truthfull and important article. This gets right to the heart of the issue.
    Thank you for all your work which truly glorifies the God and Father of our Lord Jesus. Maranatha!

    Yours in the Lamb, Brian Gemmell. (Endtimes and prophecy teacher in UK)

  3. Pastor Chambers,
    You are precise in your analysis of modern church music. Our churches overflow with professing believers who have never come to know the Jesus of the Bible. They sing praises to a false Jesus who is a cheap fabrication of the risen Christ. This false Jesus is full of positive confession, love for all, and promotes musical harmony among all brethren regardless of their differences in doctrinal error. These false believers, I reason, out number true believers by a wide margin and consequently have the “say” about music selection in the church. Consequently, we should not be surprised to learn the songs sung today align perfectly with the need to gratify the flesh. Today’s music is another sign of the apostate condition of the church.

  4. Interesting topic… To my mind, the cause of the problem is that, over the past 20 years or so, the contemporary christian music world has become very commercialised. Initially it was just performance music that was affected, but now even praise and worship music has become big business. I lay the blame squarely with the record companies. It seems that quantity has replaced quality and the ministry side of music is often sidelined. There is good music being written today, but you have to sift through a lot of chaff to find it. So please don’t write off modern music completely. I’d love to see some specifics – what modern songs or artists do you feel are unhelpful, and what do you feel are good.

  5. Hello Joseph,

    Again, another great article. I do think I might be speaking for a number of people here, in that there is a satisfaction that good Holy music brings, but as a musician myself, in general it matters not what chords are played, or what notes are played, unless the composition has what are known as “tri-tones” which is the note halfway up the scale. An F# in the key of C. This has been used for / recognized as a satanic interval/relationship between notes for decades and is used frequently by the heavy metal bands (yuk). One to stay away from in Holy music. The rhythm of a song can indeed become a problem if it suggests a trance like control over the emotions or thought patterns, and there is a lot of research in this area…. however, unless we are taking things to the extreme, I think toe tapping music, hand clapping music should be considered as acceptable, afterall, we are to be joyous about our relationship with Him. As you say, the words are notably different and typically empty in “modern” music. Agree. Now to the touchy comment. I personally like the words in “Gospel” music, but am not originally from the south. I really don’t like country music, or country gospel, but Gospel is not the only acceptable style of music that God wants us to write, etc. and although favored by many because it’s what they grew up on, doesn’t make it the only “right” music that we can worship by. There are many churches that use unacceptable music as a “draw” for those who wouldn’t feel comfortable in a “regular church”. Ya know, coffee and treats in the lobby and Beatles music in the worship service. Last comment is that as I have probably heard you say, and I know I’ve heard other very dynamic pastors in this town say: Attracting someone to church with treats and cool music, won’t get them saved… but if the Holy Spirit is moving in their life, they don’t need coffee and cool music anyway. The Holy Spirit looks for what’s in our hearts, and under His conviction, we don’t need to be told what is, and what isn’t “Holy” music. We know by whether it contributes, or conflicts with our worship.


  6. I can understand there are great variances in music today as we have a wider cultural mix in America now. The Bible says to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, so there appears to be room for all. The way people interpret and process music is personal and subjective. The spirit of the individuals who are writing, singing or playing the song will factor into what the listeners will hear as well as personal tastes and conditioning of the listener. Music communicates on many levels. I would guess a psalm is a song of worship or praise, a hymn would have a grand theme about the attributes and glorification of God and a spiritual song can be anything that reflects eternal truth producing awareness of eternal reality in the hearers. If most of thee people who make and play the music are walking in the flesh, then their music will produce a fleshly response in the listeners, and visa versa. Does this make sense? Much of what we call that good old gospel music was originally sung in taverns with different lyrics, but became sanctified by born again believers using the same tunes and styles with holy lyrics.

  7. I love the old hymns like “I’ll Fly Away,” “I Can Tell You the Time,” “Just a Little Talk With Jesus,” and many others. These are the songs that our church sings. They are full of praise, they speak of our Lord Jesus, they tell what He has done for us. Modern and contemporary songs of worship actually turn me off for they offer nothing to me.

    Keep up the good work Bro Chambers and may God give you strength to carry on.

  8. Dear Mr. Chambers,
    I fully agree to your comments. The use of Modern and Contemporary Music is taking over almost our churches in my country. Mine is one of the few that still use the Songbook with traditional hymns,although this new type of “praise” is becoming more and more employed day by day.
    That bothers me greatly, I don’t find it to be reverent, respectful, theologically correct; it just deals with emotion and fleshly feelings,and makes people go dancing a dance that doesn’t match the Old Testament ones, lesser corresponds to a new Testament lithurgy, where we find no references to dancing as a manner of praising.
    I had tried to awake Christian brothers to face this issues, but it seems that I am crying in the desert. Sometimes I think I am about to leaving the congregation, if this trend prevails.
    Love in the Lord,

  9. Hi,
    Thanks so much for putting this down in an understandable way. My wife Jeanie and I came to know the Lord in Costa Mesa at Calvary Chapel with Chuck Smith’s teaching in the 1970’s. The music there still affects my heart in a good way. Some choruses mixed with the regular use of the hymnals. That was what was ingrained in us. As we look back on that experience, we saw change moving toward the things you speak of, above. Curiously though, we visited Costa Mesa and went to church at Calvary Chapel about fifteen years after we had moved north. Praise be to God, the congregation was back in the hymnals and the “hummable tunes” and rich theology were flowing again.
    My wife and I have not been to church in over a year. There aren’t any here in Santa Cruz who don’t subscribe to the “performance art” at one level or another. I actually had one of the pastors tell me to move on if I didn’t like the music, because that’s the way it was going to be “to attract the young people!”. We feel disenfranchised as we approach older age (in our seventies).
    My problem is that I am embarrassed for the young people in those “worship teams” – performing and swaying as they seem to. Then I get angry and distracted for the rest of the morning.
    There is no substitute for gathering together, but we have certainly enjoyed “In Touch” with Dr. Charles Stanley evey Sunday morning. We rarely miss that hour of fine preaching.
    I have spoken to SO MANY people of my generation who feel as we do, and yet we are ignored (or asked to leave!). I enjoy your communications and look forward to what you may continue to say on this subject. May the Lord richly bless you and yours.


    PS Years ago, you were a guest on a radio show I had – what a great conversation we had for that hour. You probably won’t recall, but I sent some $$ for a bag of nails for you building project, going full blast at that time.

  10. Dear Pastor Chambers:

    I have not actually listened to Christian rock for a long time (the late 80’s) but at that time the lyrics of groups like Petra did in fact include allusions to theology, and the Bible. It may have changed at this time. One contemporary singer I like a lot is Sheilah Walsh and her themes are very biblical and based on orthodox doctrine. She may be the exception.
    The traditional hymns, as well as gospel music, come from a time when the written word was much more important than now. Thus, their lyrics are more affirmative and theological. For example, listen to these words from the last verse of Charles Wesley’s famous hymn, “And can it Be”:
    No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in him, is mine;
    Alive in him, my living Head, and clothed in righteousness divine,
    Bold I approach the eternal throne, and claim the crown, through Christ my own.
    Thus, the entire Christian experience-from justification to glorification-is presented to intstruct the people and praise God. As you say, the emphasis was not so much on the soul as on the mind.

    Jim, KY

  11. Where do you begin? This is a very big subject and one that desperately needs to be addressed! Modern CCM and praise and worship music seems to offer a “cheep thanks” for “cheep grace”! The worldly minded church goer wants to say thanks on his “unregenerated level”! That’s why we see so much of this sensual music in our churches.

    I recently visited an Assembies of God church in Shirley, AR. It was just a small country church with about 50 or 60 people in attendence. As I walked through the door there were two young ladies standing there in front of opened double doors to the right which lead to the sanctuary. The girls were dressed provocatively and were casually munching on little debbie cakes and sipping on cokes. I was stunned at the unusual atmosphere of irreverance in the house of the Lord. After I found a seat near the back, those same gals got up on the stage and started their service with their “praise and worship” songs. The atmosphere was absolutely charged with a dirty feeling of sensuality and lust. The songs made you think you were making love to Jesus in the back seat of your Father’s Mustang. After about 5 minutes of that, I quickly exited those same double doors and found my way out to the car! It was a horrifying experiance for me! I have been around traditional gospel music and traditional pentecostal worship most of my 38 years of life. It was a real SHOCK to see how bad the nominal pentecostal church had become. My grandmother took me to the AG church when I was a child and it was NOT like this!

    I wrote an article a couple years ago called “Is Christian Contemporary Music Really Christian”. In that article I dealt mainly with the biblical differences between “beat driven” and “melody driven” music and worship. Many people have mistaken adrinaline for the Holy Spirit! There is a BIG difference!

    Sadly, this is a very polarizing subject! Those of us who are committed to traditional gospel music are rediculed as being outdated and old fashioned! However, God still delivers men and women from the powerful grip of these deceitful forms of worship and music. God delivered me from CCM and “Christian Rock” music in 1988 at the age of 15. I have NEVER looked back! There is grace to set folks free from this bondage! YES, IT IS A BONDAGE! This is the reason for the great divide! Unregenerated men and women CANNOT enjoy godly “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs”! WHY? Like anything else that is spiritual, they are “spiritually discerned”! The natural man cannot receive them! This explains why churches have been given over to this Rick Warren “Rockin’ Church” concept!Churches today are full of (and run by) UNREGENERATED MEN and WOMEN! The music is simply an expression of their unfruitful and unholy nature! Cheep praise for cheep grace!

    If your salvation is nothing more than a “get out of hell free card”, then you are probably going to express your gratitude in a way that fits your deceived experiance! However, If OLD THINGS truly pass away, and ALL THINGS become NEW, then the music of your past will become A THING OF THE PAST, along with a lot of other things! Hallelujah!

    Bro. Troy Cunningham

  12. might I mention another “gospel” type of music is called Messianic Worship, or Messianic Music which have lots of scripture — and usually the Hebrew translations in the music. Which is not only the gospel/ good news, but allows you to learn some of our Hebrew roots and words which is also very good for the soul. Greg Silverman, Joel Chernoff, Zemer Levav just to mention a few. Hope you enjoy.
    Shalom (Peace) ken.

  13. Great article. I am so glad someone has addressed this issue. Worshipping God must be done according to John 4:24, in spirit and in truth. Churches in record numbers have become worshippers of the worship rather than God. I hope you will also address the type of music used with the so called contemporary “Praise Songs”.

  14. Our church has been through a transformation a couple of years ago. People did not get along
    always arguing. The Pastor left and we got a new one very young only 30 but more mature than
    most I have ever head he preaches the sermons with great truth and love for God. We had only
    about 30 people left when the other pastor left and now we have 300 and are going to have to
    go to two services. We do only praise music but the words and songs are words from the Bible
    and is very helpful to all in need. I can feel the spirit within me as we sing as I never did
    before. It was like the church was almost dead and now it is alive with Jesus and going out
    trying to get all we can to come and be save. Our pastor never does a sermon without giving
    people the opportunity to be saved and he loves God and the music we have is not Southern Gospel
    but it is of God. I do not understand what you have listened to. People are singing and it is
    loud we have a band and we raise our hands to God and praise him for all he has done for us.
    I just don’t see what you are hearing from the music you are talking about. Heaven will be loud
    with singing the Bible says so the Angels will be rejoicing and praising God. So I think you
    need to listen more if it is the same music we are singing but I don’t see what you say is wrong
    with it in our church.
    Thanks and God Bless

  15. brother chambers you are right on regarding the new age music in the churches today
    I go to a church that is calvinistic in doctrine uses the esv translation has contemporary
    music some good and some bad pastor is a godly man preaches against sin but i do not
    feel happy there.I need help and prayer.


  16. Dear Pastor Chambers;

    Your right , we need to be careful as “Broad is the path to destruction” in music as well. I have often wondered about what types of music and there a few. that please God?

    Well….I really mean is my singing is okay for you Lord.

    Jesus explained that when we pray not to use vain repetitions, the song has to say something too.
    Old fashioned Gospel pours out of the belly of the singer because it is concert with scripture.

    God Blees you Pastor Chambers

  17. While listening to Gospel music, I have found an overwhelming abundance of themes straight out of Holy Scripture

    This is great insight Brother Joseph

    I agree with this article, and I remember a song of lyrics taken out of the book of Revelations
    35 years ago, but I can’t remember any songs lyrics that I sing out of the church I go too.

    Amen , Amen
    I agree with your thoughts on church songs and music, That is great insight, and needs to be said.


  18. Well, this should be am interesting discussion. Hopefully, others will post their views.

    I have never been a big fan of Modern/Contemporary music in Church. I’ve never been able to put my finger on the reasons why I don’t care for it, but then again, I’ve never put too much thought into it. If I had to sum my thoughts up in one sentence, it would be that the overriding sense or feeling I get when I hear it in church is that it feels wrong or out of place.

    When I say out of place, I mean the focus seems to be on the sound and the performance, and not on glorifying God. I know that sounds harsh and it is not the band’s intent (hopefully), but while the lyrics are Christian-oriented, they are entirely overshadowed by the instruments and, oftentimes, the rhythm. It seems more entertainment than worship.

    I’m sure others will make the point that worship means different things to different people. Perhaps that’s a valid point. But it seems to me that Modern/Contemporary music is just another example of the Church “watering down” God’s Word.

    It belongs on the radio, not in Church.

  19. This is true, in modern ‘praise’ songs there is many times only vain repetition. The message is not clear, so a sick satanist and a neo-charismatic can sing together in a same congregation. They both worship their own masters (real Lord or antichrist), because the song does not contain exact Gospel of our Lord Jesus Crist. When someone seeking savation enters a meeting like that, one can continue with happy feelings in ones old sinful life, never changing. These modern songs don’t blow the trumpet clear enough!
    One example was when I stopped playing and singing ‘Jesus we enthrone you…’ song in finnish. The song was about making Jesus our king. In John 6:15 Bible says:”When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.” I understand that Jesus is the King without our decision. So we can only come to him and confess our sins and accecpt his Rule over our lives and entire universe. So real Lord Jesus is the only ruler and king (without any democracy or human political decisions). We better come to Jesus the right way than trying to please him in wrong way e.g. offering him Kingdom we don’t own. May Lord Jesus bless you in His Kingdom and encourage you to speak the Truth.

  20. E. Suresh Abraham Raj

    Dear Sir,

    I think your assessment is correct. Even in India, this trend can be seen. Good words corrupted by the tune and music plus again self-centered themes. I am from Tamil Nadu, India and I have heard modern Tamil Christian songs competing with film songs in tune and music. I think this is part of the great falling away.

  21. Hello Joseph,
    Another greta observation and one that ties in with my feelings. Many of my fellow Christians listen to the Christian music stations here in Arizona……I have tried but I just have no like for it whatsoever. To me its just as you say. If you get a chance pickup Del McCoury The Promised Land…….14 true bluegrass biblical songs

  22. Hi Brother Joseph.
    You’re right about a lot of the music today. I have yet to hear of a modern equivalent for “Amazing Grace,” for example. The words are impressive by themselves and the tune is likewise. But together this old hymn is so much more than the sum of its parts.
    I’m partial to Johnny Cash and he has done many gospel songs. You can tell right away that he believes them. A lesser known favorite of mine which he did is “Over the Next Hill” which concerns the End Times.
    I’m looking forward to meeting Johnny one day – over that next hill!

  23. Darlene Havard

    A couple of months ago, one night while I was sleeping, I heard a voice say, “Music is a powerful force.” I immediately awoke from my sleep, and lay there awhile pondering why I had such dream…I couldn’t get that dream off my mind, so I decided to do some research on music; I discovered that certain beats can act as a natural pacemaker for the heart, and there is even a thing called “Music Therapy’ that is used to treat anxiety, mental disorders etc. I discovered that it even effects the cells in our bodies positively or negatively;It effects our brains, and certain kinds of music can cause people to begin having thoughts of suicide, especially rock music; then I began searching scriptures dealing with music, and how God would move in wonderful ways when music was played, and songs were sung. This dream and research has caused me to stop listening to secular music, and I’ve begun to read songs from a hymnal from our church; I agree they are full of the Word of God–no wonder satan has convinced so many churches to do away with the hymns–“What can wash away my sins–nothing but the blood of Jesus; what can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus; Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; no other fount I know; nothing but the blood of Jesus.” “Music is a powerful force…” We must be careful…

  24. I just finished reading the comments here and they are very interesting and insightful as well as .. . (i don’t want to be mean). I am neither a big music or sports fan and I don’t watch TV so I feel free to be completely objective in my analysis. I don’t believe at all that God is impressed in any measure with the way we put sounds together creatively. I think music is an ability He gave us to bless us and entertain us. He is much too high to be affected in any way by it. If it is necessary for you to use it to enhance your worship experience, that’s wonderful. If not, that’s okay too. In support of repetitive lyrics which are NOT vain repetitions, I would like to mention Psalm 136 and also the call-and-response style of African Gospel music. “Vain repetitions” refer only to prayers or mantras that are used in a magical way, not to speak to God, but only to produce a result. Brother Joseph hasn’t commented yet so I’ll have to listen at 1 PM…Blessings!

  25. I would like to make a response to Patrick’s comments on this forum. He really doesn’t see God as having any kind of preference one way or the other as to how music is played or how notes are arranged and fashioned. If this is so, then God would have never commissioned Josiah to UTTERLY destroy the place of “Tophet” in 2 Kings 23. The word “Toph” in Tophet means “to smite or hit or to drum”. The place of “Tophet” was known as the “garden of the drum”. “Get a good Bible dictionary and just take the time to read about Tophet. It was located right in the middle of the groves and idol worship just outside of the city of Jerusalem. It was built by Solomon after he backslid and was used by his successors in their barbaric worship to Molech, Chemosh, Milcom, and other foreign deities. They used the beat of their drums to whip the people up into an emotional state of mind to where they would throw off any inhibitions of taking their children and casting them into the fire to Molech. The loud drumming also drowned out the screams of the burning children. This demonstrates what is at the root and core of rock music and all of its counterparts.

    Patrick, Do you really believe that God receives glory out of this form of worship? Do you honestly believe that you can take the beat of hell and of demons and use it to glorify the Lord? Josiah thought so much of it that he utterly destroyed Tophet and defiled it with the bones of the dead! God thought so much of it that he allowed Jerusalem to later use it for their cesspool for the cities human waste and refuse. You might as well offer God a pile of hog dung as to use CCM and rock music! The Bible is VERY CLEAR about how God feels about Tophet and all such like! The church must return to the melodious sounds of “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs”!

  26. Dear Joseph, having read all of the above I realise there are others out there who walk the uncomfortable path of questioning the establishment, and I feel less alone. How can any church today be focused on anything less important than the very close return of Jesus and how to be a God expressing Christian in this earth until He comes? People involved in music in church seem oblivious to anything other than how they sound, perform and look, which has become more evident in the churches I’ve gone to over the last ten years. It’s ‘us’ and ‘them’ as if they’re in a class above. Yet another instance of control over the sheep.
    I don’t go to church anymore because I can’t bear what it’s become and people like me don’t fit – there’s no place for us either to receive or to serve. As a musician and music team member for the past 30 years, the whole praise/worship scene horrifies me. The only people ‘allowed’ up on stage are the young and the beautiful, and those with professional accreditation. This has shut out an enormous number of people like me, musically adept, but not in line with the vacuous, interminably oversung and ‘me’ oriented music which has pervaded most modern churches today.
    I grieve for their flesh-centered ignorance of what they’re perpetuating, as the Lord must, but it reeks of the last days apostasy and I can only pray for them from a distance. I love the people but watch in horror at what enchants them (ie the world). Your research results seem to me to have the discernment of the Holy Spirit, and I thank you for continuing to speak truth. God bless you sir

  27. I am younger than many here, and I am a musician, having played drums all my life. I have played many years in both “religious” (in and out of the church) and secular groups and situations.

    I do not like the old Gospel music, but I am convinced that it is the ONLY music that God would approve of or sanction.

    Certain forms of music and the gospel message simply do not belong together. I have heard all the arguments to the contrary and I have concluded that these arguments come from rebellious attitudes and compromised souls.

    The modern song structure was created by Satan for a purpose, to bring the power of music to the basest and most primal emotional level possible, because THIS is where he can gain control.

    This is the very thing that lead me to want to play drums in the first place.

    I agree with several of the writers here, and with Pastor Chambers, most of what passes for Christian music these days is garbage with nary a hint of biblical truth in it. One of my favorite examples was several years ago when Christian youth became enraptured with the group POD (Payable On Death — as if this could be a Christian name by any stretch). The group’s logo has been adopted by many in Christian circles as representing the Trinity. It does not. It is the ancient Celtic symbol known as the Triquetra, also as the Tiskela. This can also be found on a certain Led Zeppelin recording and is one form of the symbol of the ANTI-CHRIST! Jimmy Page, the founder of Zep, is one of the most famous Satanists/Occultists of our time.

    P.O.D. produced what I call SCREAMO since the name that the music industry gives this form of “Metal” is not accurate. SCREAMO is music wherein until you have read the lyrics, and made a few listens so that you can make mental connections with the DEMONIC (yes I DID say that folks) utterings given off by the vocalist, you have no idea what is being said. There are those who claim otherwise but they are lying (and yes I DID say that too). P.O.D. was popular for years until their true lifestyle was found out, and they were discovered using foul language, smoking pot, drinking heavily, and it was only then that Christians took thought of all the lyrics printed in the liner notes of CD’s and discovered there was really no hint of Christianity in the music. P.O.D was no different thatn any other metal band except they were less honest. They slowly, embarrassingly, and quietly faded out of favor. Just for the records their religion of choice is Rasta. They are Rastafarians.

    Metal as a musical structure is straight from Hell. It cannot be used to reach others for Christ. It is used to allow those who on some level come into the Christian fold to continue to indulge in listening to a musical form which God has not approved of and which they do not really want to let go of, and feel good about it.

    I grew up on the formative music which produced Metal. I understand the urges and the depths that it reaches. When I gave my life to Christ that music still had that power, but he instantly made me bored with it. It is largely simplistic, derivative, repetitive horse manure for those with immature emotional development.

    I am not trying to be mean folks, but I have to be honest and direct. With few exceptions, modern “Christian” music is very pleasant, but not at all Christian.

  28. Dr Chambers,
    It has been a while since I wrote. Three computer meltdowns later, here I am. If there is any one thing I can say in a small phrase that sums it up. It is confusing. I tend to agree with most of what you said. I sing alot in church, and do specials, in weddings, funerals, etc. One thing I have done for along time is examine the songs I sing to see if they caryy one simple thing. You named it when you said it is a song of the spirit and not of the soul. The word tells us in John 4:24/ “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” When we go into a sanctuary we should begin to praise him then. Now when the singing starts, the words of the song “MUST SPEAK TRUTH”, If the lyrics tell anything that is an untruth, it is wrong. I have listened to some old southern gospel songs that told lies. Now do not get this crossed with telling good stories in a song like the parables in the bible.These touchedthose listening thru their imaginations, and came to fruition.
    I do not believe that heavy loud pounding, and music filled with non-harmonic sounds are what God wants his children listening to. I cannot say that I have a biblicly proved lesson on all the things involved when considering music. I can say this. In the word we are referred many times to common sence about how nature should teach us a good bit on certain things. Non harmonic sounds just like non harmonic colors can bring you to a certain state of mind that can also be called non harmonic. There have been studies done that shows that plants react positively when soothing harmonic music was played. It even grew twice as fast as the control group which had no music. The odd thing was when they double the amount of music played to the 3rd group as they did the other group, the plants died within 2 weeks. They plated music 8 hours per day to the plants that croaked, and only 4 hour to the ones whos growth rate was doubled. We are spiritual beings of course but we are not complete. Right now we a also cellular beings just as the plants,and our cells & DNA can be infected by the over indulgence of any stimili. The plants probably went thru what we go thru when we have sleep deprovation. It can kill us.
    Another bad hook of the wrong kind of music is the worshipping of the artist and the music itself. It is so entertaining. Look how we are hooked on entertaiment.Kids expect a vacation every year as do adults where they are constantly entertained. If and when we have a major power outage in this country. There are going to be hundreds of millions of people going thru technology withdrawals.

  29. I do not attend your church. I saw this article about “modern music” in the church for it was sent to me by a relative of mine and a dear brother in Christ. He is not a member of your church either but apparently has some connection with it—perhaps subscription to “news letters” or something. Anyway he thought I might be interested since I am a musician and have studied the Gospel Message and prophecy for more than 40 years. I am going to make it real plain and simple. As we get older, we like things like that—-just plain and simple.
    Music is a gift of expression—God given, no doubt. As for most things “down here” we can choose to use God’s gifts to us as we choose. Music has been used to spread the Gospel and to praise and worship God. Music has also been use to damn our fellow man, as we hear so much in rap music. So, it can be used the right way and the wrong way.
    I said I was going to make my comment real plain and simple. Here it is. The very basis of our eternal existance is determinant on the “Blood of Jesus”, the Grace of the Father, and our repentance from sin—–in other words our salvation, bought and paid for by Christ. The very words “Salvation”, “Grace”, “Jesus” reverberate throughout the thousands of universes and thousands of forevers to bring us to one point that says—“I Love You My Child, Repent and Come”.
    When the message—the Gospel Message—is left out of your religious offerings and substituted by beat, rhythum, repetitious words only then you become as “sounding brass and tinkeling cymbals”.
    You have lost the Gospel Message and you have now become the center of your “worship and praise” toward Him and not the other way around.
    Do not misunderstand, praise and worship are fine but that tie to the Gospel must also be there. Today, many churches have thrown out the old Gospel Hymnal and have substituted praise and worship songs void of the Gospel message. Do you not see CHURCH that this is part of the Great Deception that Christ spoke of in Revalation. I sounds good, it makes your soul feel good, and it is giving back to God your expression of feelings but there is no connection to what you must have done to make your praise and worship acceptable to God. You can praise and worship all day long, but if you arn’t “saved” what good is that? No, that “saving message” must be there in the song. It is one of the beautiful ways we have of leading others to Christ so that they too can “worship and praise” in “spirit and in truth”. Plain and Simple.

  30. As a worship pastor, I have found that if you are going to stay with the truth of God’s Word, your choice of songs will be limited. Many contemporary songs are full of “me”, “I”, “mine”, “myself”, etc.

    I’ve also noticed that a lot of people are moved to emotional outbursts and think that they are having an encounter with God. I’m not discounting emotions all together, but if that’s all that gets stirred in a worship service then there has been no encounter with God. You cannot have an encounter with God and leave unchanged.

    The Lord Jesus be glorified,

  31. Brother Chambers, I commend your efforts, as always, to bring to light the darkness that has come into the church.. The church has embraced the world and tried to santify it as clean by adding the name of Christ.
    In researching the roots of “Rock Music”, there is no way to add this to Christ name and present it as good and give it to our children.
    There is a church in my city with a large youth ministry. As they were interviewing the youth, I saw that they were still dressed in dark Goth clothing. The the youth were acting exactly like the frenzed head banging rockers in the the music rocked on..I was shocked.
    I could see no evident change in the youth from the clothing and actions of the children in the world.
    As I sought the Lord, troubled in my Spirit, the Lord directed me to read John 11:44 where Jesus called Lazarus from the grave. He came forth bound with graveclothes and Jesus said to the people there..”Loose him and let him go”. Here we see that we are to be loosed of our gravecloths and any appearance of the world, death and darkness.
    “Christian Rock and Paganism in the Church” by David A Noebel is found through “Christian Rock Exposed,” Is an excellent confirmation to your message into this issue in the church. Thank you for your continuing efforts to help the body of Christ and addressing controversal issues. You are a blessing.

  32. Dear Pastor Chambers,
    You said it all perfectly ! My wife is a new christian and i’m an old one.
    I go to her church and complain about the music every Sunday. While she defends it, I pick it to pieces hahaha ! I’m so glad that someone else understands as I do and feels the same.
    To me the whole thing is just another sign of the lateness of the hour and that Christ’s return has got to be incredibly close.
    God bless !

  33. My husband and I had to make the painful decision to leave our church home of over ten years due to the “new direction” the church leaders felt necessary to take in order to increase membership. The first item of change was the music, the second, the gospel message. The leadership accomplished their mission, attendance was up 50% within the first few months, and the church has had to expand twice now. This may sound like a mircle; however, all elders of the church vanished seemingly overnight, and along with them, the wisdom they possessed. All that to say, the music ministry was ramped up to attact and entertain the younger generation. My key observations prior to leaving this particular congregation was, after the “change” in music, I witnessed more hyper-charismatic activity. Folks would rush to the alter to throw themselves down, roll about, speak in tongues (not actually tongues – more animal sounds and babbling)… basically, it was all about “feeling” God. On the church’s website, they claimed their worship music was intended to “usher in the Holy Spirit”. If the Holy Spirit resides in all born-again believers, why would he need to be ushered in, He should already be there; however, the main point is, the worship music is used to entertain the youth, not to actually worship God. Additionally, the music is used to heighten the experience, much like the New Agers use. Sad to say, to date, I have only found one local church (within any demonimation) that does not use their music ministry as a form of entertainment/drug as opposed to using it to actually worship. Am I saying all up-beat, toe-tapping music is bad, no, only that the Church (in general) has forgotten how to truly worship God.

  34. I enjoy a lot of CCM and it’s always the lyrics that are the most important to me. Those who say that I’m of the world because I prefer many CCM songs over church hymns are being legalistic toward the saint in my opinion. There have been many CCM songs over the years that God used to reach me in my life for a variety of reasons.

    Two recent CCM songs that have touched my heart in a big way are “Forgiven’ by Sanctus Real, and ‘What A Savior’ by Laura Story. Other songs that are outstanding and scriptural are ‘Before The Morning’ by Josh Wilson, ‘He Is’ by Mark Schultz, ‘Who Am I’ by Casting Crowns, and ‘Jesus Messiah’ by Chris Tomlin, just to name a few.

    Pastor Chambers, I don’t know what CCM you listened to, but if you read the lyrics to the above mentioned songs and listen to them, I believe you will find that they glorify and praise Jesus just like the old-time hymns. FYI, I’m a 50 year old baby boomer and CCM is my preference when singing songs to my savior Jesus.

  35. I have been troubled by the new music in the churches for a long time. I find it to be empty and meaningless. I gave up the worldly music when I got saved, now it is in the church. I do not fit in the modern church. I have thought about leaving and finding a different church, but it is nearly impossible to find a true church that still sings hymns.What I keep hearing when I mention this to my pastor and other leaders is, “The church has to change, and we must all change or be left behind”People who hold tight to the old ways hinder what God wants to do, according to them. I was even told by one woman at a church I attended for a while that I should not read the King James Bible because it was very gender biased, and that many other Bible translations are as well.

  36. Brother Chambers,
    After reading your article on the RR website, my first thought was “hammer, meet nail”! You are so right in your assessment of today’s modern “Christian” music.

    Over the last 12 years, my Southern Baptist church has evolved from using hymn books and singing those wonderful hymns about salvation and the Blood of Jesus to “singing off the wall” – what I call the modern praise songs. Those hymn books are gathering dust while we sing songs that sometimes make no mention of Jesus, the Cross, His Blood, His sacrifice, well, you get the picture. We do sing about being “lost without you” but it doesn’t mention who the “you” is. I told my husband that anyone coming in off the street with no spiritual background could interpert most “praise hymns” as secular love songs! I was helping out in children’s church one Sunday and was standing by the director as the children were singing one of the modern songs when I realized the song they were singing made no mention of Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirit. I turned to the director and said “do you realize this song does not mention the name of Jesus?” She just said “well, they know who they are singing about!” I don’t know what the answer is, all I know is my heart is sad and I feel that we have somehow failed by not passing along those old hymns of faith. The good news is our Lord is coming very, very soon and we will lift our voices and praise Him with a new song.

  37. Brother, for the most part, I agree with you. However, there are some beautiful contemporary songs that give praise to God, which I feel is proper. For example, this past Sunday, our choir sang, “How Great is our God,” and the congregation was truly blessed. You must understand, our church is basically “Southern Gospel.” But, there are songs outside the Southern Gospel genre that really do give accolades to our Lord. One can see this aspect of singing even in Psalms. This is the very principle Paul was talking about in the “Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.” I do agree that many churches have gone into a rock music concept, which I cannot endorse. If it sounds like the world, then where is the Gospel message? We pastors have a fine balancing act to perform in trying to minister to all ages. Of course, I would never compromise the principles of the Word of God. If the gospel is included in song, in a Christ honoring style, we can work with it. Tom Christ, Tom

  38. I was glad to see your article on modern music/gospel. I love modern music and the old gospel songs…however I have been feeling for some time that it was getting out of balance. I think we need both to give a healthy balance to our souls…
    Churches seem more hympotized with the new songs and less coming from the soul if you know what I mean…they are glazed over with the newer music and caught up in the “act of” rather than true worship. It’s as if they are “trying” to make it so.. instead of knowing it’s so from the Word and your soul.
    I do agree we need to really be alert to all things especially in these days we are living in…

  39. The modern contemporary music that we play at our church is meant to inspire worship among the congregation. By inviting God in during the worship, we are barring Satan. Watch the following video and try again to tell me that 1. These people are not worshiping Christ and 2. That this song is not “Prophetic” in nature. 3. This song is not Scriptural.
    This is WORSHIP folks. Look at Gods Children both young and old worship the Lord! AMEN!

    I know this type of music may not inspire older folks which is fine.



  40. A very relevant and timely article! As one who has been in the secular and then Christian music “biz” for decades, I am appalled at the current state of music in general. The focus has almost entirely shifted to an entertainment personality/celebrity mentality with an overwhelming concentration on singing, ala “American Idol”. I am so revolted, I have abandoned vocal music altogether and am now utilizing meditative instrumentals to assist in scripture study and prayer. I have been learning things like the importance of endurance, self control, and integrity. Imagine that!
    Thank you Mr.Chambers for this important commentary!

  41. I fully concur with you on your article as I occasionally visit some modern churches and I feel as though I am only hearing a type of chanting going on during the music portion of the service. I am in no way spiritually brought into spiritual readiness to hear a sermon. In some ways, that type of music ( chanting ) turns me off. Any way , that is my take on the subject. Thank you for opportunity to pass this along.

  42. Biblical churches are becoming fewer and fewer by the day. The church as a whole has fallen asleep at the wheel. Rather than allowing God through His Holy Spirit to work in and through us to reach a lost and dying world, we have allowed Satan through a lost and dying world to virtually silence her witness. The vast majority of today’s contemporary christian music is far more worldly in tune and message than it is scriptural. This should not come as a total surprise since the majority of churches today are more worldly than scriptural. Romans 12:2 says “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

  43. Dear Joseph, I get really encouraged by your articles, thank you! I too have noticed a big change in music. I remember in the early 80’s singing along with the whole congregation: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God, he that loveth not, knoweth not God for God is love, beloved, let us love one another, first John four, seven and eight…”
    Now we sing what is popular on the radio. I would fall over if our pastor ever told us to pick up our hymnals!

  44. Greeting Pastor Chambers and to all who are following this subject. I’m a Christian music singer-songwriter.

    When I began writing ‘Christian’ songs it wasn’t because I wanted to be a gospel music songwriter, it was because the Lord moved me to write and inspired what I wrote. I’ve heard the typical CCM and I’ve found that it is next to impossible to understand because, for the most part, the vocalists don’t enunciate their words clearly (in one way or another) and the instruments usually overpower the their voices. To me, it is irritating noise with little substance. Reminds of what Saint Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:5 – 19.

    Christian music should, of course, include praise and worship to the Lord, but it may also include a message to the lost or to the believer, depending on the song. This is the kind of music I write and perform. It is simple, easy listening, yet passionate and direct. The purpose is to help lead the lost to the Lord for salvation and to strengthen the church with words of encouragement, comfort, and love. I don’t go on stage to “entertain” or to bring glory to myself. I go on stage to deliver the message in the songs because I am His servant, and I love what I do.

    We all know that musical styles vary, but in the house of God the message must be Biblical, conduct and appearance must be respectful, and the Spirit of God must be present in the musicians and performers.

    To sum it up, there is no place for self-centered worldly music in the house of God and His people must guard against it just as they guard themselves against all other kinds of worldliness whether in church or not. Born again Christians are salt and light, and Christian musicians and songwriters must never forget that. We are His servants and serve to His pleasure and glory.

    God bless, Michael

  45. I have been involved in music all my life and I am 60. I have been in church most of my life and all of my adult life.I have watched music evolve,both in the church and secular.I led music for over eight years three times a week.Mostly hymns but also christian songs of the time. I saw what you speak of about fifteen years ago. We have a fm christian station here in Kansas City that used to play a good verity of music. We also had a station that played southern and country gospel. The Fm stations I don’t listen to any more because I think most of the music is just fluff.My family is looking for a chuch home right now and there is no in between.Its either heavy rock contemporay or only hymns in an old dead church.I was on the deacons board at our last church and music caused some big problems because the next to last music leader didn’t know the hymns and messed them up. He only knew hard contemporary music and couldn’t understand the problem. I played in a band for 14 years that was a good mix of hymns and music we had written. I believe music needs to tell a story, a lesson,or be a praise song.Most not all, of the contemporary music today is a hard beat and repeating of words that invoke the sense’s. I watch people turn on the switch at church and start swaying and raising thier hands as soon as they are at thier seat.Satan will use what ever works and music is a great divider most young people like the rock. I can’t even find people in the area where I live that want to jam with the old music. The church we are attending right now makes me feel that I am attending a concert not a worship service. I would guarantee, the pastor and the music leader would not be open to talk about the music or the fact that they are not choosing songs that the congregation can sing along with. I see this as you do, a sign of the times we are living in.Lets just keep it sticky sweet with God is love and He loves you and just go on with your life because He wants the best for you. All true but leaves out the the real life we all live. I fear for the church because we have lost our way in music and in speaking about the end times. I miss the old church where I could sing a song that had meaning and hear a message on the coming of the Lord. God help us.

  46. Dear Pastor Chambers,

    I am an avid student of Christian contemporary music, I enjoy it a lot. There is a lot of stuff out there that is weak and watered down and has just enough illusion to the Bible to be inpsirational. But there are some very serious groups that challenge us to know the plan and promises of God. Songs like Adoration, Shine, He Reign, Stay Strong, I’m Not Ashamed and others by Newsboys, Jesus Freaks, Consume Me, Colurs by DCTalk, Thy Word, You Reign, The Message, Center of the Mark and Future Generations by 4Him, We Fall Down and Strong Tower by Kutless, Ocean Floor by Audio Adrenaline, not to mention bands like Thrid Day, Mercy Me, Casting Crowns and a myriad of other songs and artists are available out there. Songs full of the rich Biblical text, with power and praise, songs of truth and that challenge us in our walk with the Lord. Yes there is a lot of garbage out there, but with a proper Biblical knowledge and some discernment good music can be found that is of a modern format.

    Sean Gooding
    Mississauga Missionary Baptist Church
    Ontario, Canada

  47. After reading all the comments I fel like at last someone understands.To hear musicians that were in secular music talk about ccm and the problems sure hits it on the head. The church better wake up.

  48. Barbara Disbrow

    I grew up in the sixties with my share of rock aand roll. However it gave no answers nor did the hippie generation. I was an artist looking for the meaning of life. I looked and dressed like a hippie but my soul was isolated and desperate for life. When the God of my salvation. Jesus my Messiah, He who rescued my soul from the pit and put my feet upon the Rock, I have never looked back. The church I was saved in 39 years ago had simple Godly songs of praise and worship. I didnt need a rock band to draw me in. I needed life! and the Life was the Holy Spirit and the Blood Of Jesus setting me free from Demonic oppression. The Holy Spirit filled me with the joy to worship. There was no need for instruments even. There was aan acoustic guitar and tambourines, that is all. Today, I find very little music I can rejoice in. I worship at home to the music I enjoy. I have had to walk out of worhip services that sounded like music from hell. And noone else leaves.I dont get it. The pastors approve of the loud drums and electric guitars. It actually kills my spirit. I am grateful for all the responses here for I have been troubled by the music in church for years now. It is no different than the top 40 on the radio {which I cant listen to either)

  49. Barbara Disbrow

    I grew up in the sixties and seventies and listened to my share of rock and roll. It didn’t have any answers nor did the hippie movement of its day. When the God of my Salvation, the Lord Jesus stooped to rescue my soul from the pit of darkness I have never looked back. I remember destroying all my rock albums though no one told me to. It was the Holy Spirit that filled my soul and spirit with the joy of my salvation and I didnt need rock music to draw me into a church. The Holy Spirit drew me and it was life I needed, not entertainment! The songs of worship and salvation we sang in church back then (39 years ago) weere simple and full of scripture. The instruments were one acoustic guitar and assorted tambourines in the congregation. I miss that. I have walked out of many worship services when the drums aand electric guitar assault the spirit. One church was like a nightclub with neon flashing lights and an earsplitting rockband on a Sunday morning (to draw in the youth). The pastors my age or younger approve of this style of music and I dont get it. Aren’t their spirits grieved?