Jerusalem: All Hell Is Set Against This City

God, Himself, and His Angels will defend Jerusalem, His capitol city, and then He will make it the glory of the whole earth. Earthly Jerusalem is the counterpart of Heavenly Jerusalem. The Heavenly Father chose this city as His earthly center. It is clearly the center of the whole earth. The Son of God was born just a short distance away in Bethlehem, which is a companion city to Jerusalem. In fact, Bethlehem was deeply connected to the temple worship and provided the sacrificial animals for the offering of blood. It was very Biblical that Christ was born in Bethlehem because He was the final sacrifice. It was in this city of Jerusalem that Jesus Christ was tried and condemned. The veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom as He gave up the ghost and descended into Paradise to preach to the Old Testament saints. He ascended to Heaven from Jerusalem as He told His disciples not to leave this city until they were filled with the Holy Ghost. It will be in Jerusalem that the Antichrist will desecrate the Temple and issue the Mark of the Beast. It will be in Jerusalem that the two witnesses will finally be slain (Revelation 11). They will lie in the street of this city while the world rejoices over their death. But, suddenly, to the Antichrist’s horror, these two great preachers will resurrect and ascend to Heaven. The Battle of Armageddon will begin north of Jerusalem as the Antichrist prepares to march on this city. When that cosmic battle is over, Jesus Christ will be seated on the Throne of David and will start His One Thousand (1000) year reign of righteousness. No wonder the devil hates Jerusalem!!!