Jesus Has Totally Defeated Satan

The Spiritual condition of churches, families, and professing Christians of our world is woeful. It looks like the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ was all in vain. About eighty percent of all young people are leaving the churches for the world or some strange form of religion. Sick people go to church and go home just like they went. Multitudes of individuals go to the house of God vexed by unclean spirits — full of dark emotions — and return home wondering if God is really real. Alcohol and drugs, along with many other habits of bondage, are just as present in the lives of church members as it is at the local bar. At the same moment I write this sad report, I must tell you that Jesus Christ has totally defeated Satan. Something is bad wrong and nobody out there can deny it. Jesus did not fail so we must look at ourselves and the churches that we are members of or are attending. The problem is not with the Lord that died at Calvary. He did defeat sin, the world, and the devil. There are deep problems in our churches and I believe there are some real saints and Godly people ready to do something about it. Here are my answers, you can add your answers at the bottom of this broadcast description.
1. The supernatural Gifts of the Holy Ghost must be welcomed back into the fellowship of the saints. We need Holy Ghost FIRE in the pulpit and in the pews. I do not mean false fire like we have seen all over the Charismatic and Pentecostal world.
2. Praying, fasting, and Biblical intercession must become the character of the saints. We must return to the kind of praying that the Bible teaches us. Praying in the Spirit like Apostle Paul prayed will reap the same results that he saw. It was said of him and the early church, “They have turned the world upside down.”
3. Holiness and separation of lifestyle must become the standard of the saints. God will not pour Holy Ghost fire on impure, cheap, and careless living.
4. With those things done, let the Anointed Word go forth and watch conviction began to move saints and sinners to cry out to God.
NEXT WEEK: “The Devil Can Do Nothing Unless We Allow It.” Send for free gifts offered on this broadcast.

13 thoughts on “Jesus Has Totally Defeated Satan

  1. Kenneth R. Hilton

    Where is deliverance taught in the “church”?

    Where is there a place to deal with the unforgiveness that possesses the heart of many so Christians, who hold onto their bitterness and anger?

    Pepole want to look great on the outside, and are really dying on the inside, but really don’t want others to know.

    I have watched Holy spirit deliver many people as they submit to His authority, which brings the required inner healing. To God be all the glory for the things He has done.

  2. What we need most of all is a reformation of the word, (Martin Luther” style), before we can have a true revival. Many in the Church do not preach the true Gospel. reformation comes before revival. The same as it did in George Whitefileds time.



  4. Dear Pastor Chambers: You say, “There are deep problems in our churches and I believe there are some real saints and Godly people really to do something about it.” Although I treasure your heart-felt desire to do something about the problem, the Bible appears to be teaching otherwise. According to Matthew 13, the enemy has done this horrid deed to the churches by filling them with professing believers who know not Christ and are themselves lacking in spirit, prayer, and holiness. The parable of the “wheat and tares” includes instructions from Jesus to let both grow together until the harvest time. Jesus is saying let the tares continue to be with the wheat. When the harvest comes, the reapers will gather the tares and bind them in bundles to burn, and then gather the wheat into His barn. Those of us who love the Lord and looking for His return should do all the things you listed because it is our reasonable service. Perhaps some of the tares will see our witness and then desire the gift living in our hearts.

  5. That is not true! Then why did paul say that the devil roams around like a roaring lion seeing whom he may destroy! the devil is alive and well and living in some of the hard rock goups!!!

  6. What a blessing it is to hear this broadcast. The sermons and open broadcast have helped me so much!! I’m 1/4 through the archives!

    Pastor Chambers-Can believers be “vexed” by spirits? If so, what can we do in our prayer time if we sense their harassment? Can we “bind” them with the Word…and if so, do we tell them to go back to hell (where they belong)?


  7. the L-rd did not promise a revival. He said a falling away had to come before the rapture. two things in prophecy, apostasy and the hate for the Jews, believing all the lies about them. Gen 12:3 still stands as does the everlasting Covenant of redemption for the Jews and the land. He tells us bless the Jews or be cursed, even the ones who don’t care one way or the other. In the Psalms it says pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. The church has another Jesus that Paul preaced about and warned of..and they have a different gospel too. If people would only quit listening to the woLVES AND LET the Word speak for itself.. The chuches have NO power because the have thrown the gospel out which is where it is..and the church was built on the ROCK,not Peter. meaning the L-rd..LET THE SCRIPTURE speak for itself..Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, because that is praying for the L-rd to come..the church is asleep at the wheel, two cars a big house and vacations mean more than the children. How sad…they are sitting on the fence. a place G-d said they could NOT, we are for Him or Against HIM..those who love the world are not worthy of His Kingdom. we all have a choice..This world is like a breeze, here today gone tomorrow and now is the time HE is coming. not a time to have the world by the tail..I pray that people take serious the awesome G-d we serve who is NOT a baby in the cradle. HE is a G-d of Justice..He paid such a terrible price, and took our sin uponn HIS pure righteousness for US because HE loved us enough to give it all…so many are selling their soul for a world that will be no more for a awesome heaven and peace and happiness forever. G-d bless all of you. and remember,,excepting Christ and what HE DID for you and you believe that and that HE rose and have believed you are saved by what HE did and you accepted that you are sealed. the fact HE told us , NO One can take from HIS HAND what the FATHER has given HIM..unless you think Satan has the power to do that..Hold tight to what you have. time is up..look up, your redemption draws near. stay in the word, it is your strenght..Shalom

  8. There is a huge problem within the church today. I truly believe the church has thrown wide open its doors to world and has invited it to enter in. No longer do I feel that the church is really interested in bring lost souls to Christ, but seeing how many members it can obtain and how much money it can put in the bank. People are wanting God because the soul cries out for Him, but the church, I believe, is not offering God, but the world.

    There are a lot of God fearing saints left in this world, although some have been greatly discouraged. This is where prayer comes in for praying for your fellow brethren. Christ hasn’t lost the battle nor the war, thus we don’t need to be discourage, but we should be rejoicing in the fact that we have Jesus Christ our Savior.

  9. Mike de Fleuriot

    “…the Church has always held and holds now, Christ underwent His passion and death freely, because of the sins of men and out of infinite love, in order that all may reach salvation”1 This implies that the Catholic Church believes the crucifixion of Jesus occurred ‘in order that all may reach salvation’ and without the crucifixion such a thing would be impossible. Many non-Catholic Christians believe this, however the belief seems to call into question the ability of God to judge people fairly before the time of Jesus.

    God makes the rules of the Universe. Adam and Eve sinned: We suffer for it. This is God’s rule. He then creates a Son, lets it be murdered in a brutal way, so that we no longer suffer the Original Sin. It would have been much more logical if God simply never allowed us to inherit the sins of Adam and Eve. God makes the rules… then creates more suffering (of Jesus) in order to repeal one of his own rules? It is a contradiction, and a moral absurdity, and therefore can’t be true of a perfect, moral or just God.

    An analogy can be used to explain the fall of man and the salvation offered by God’s plan for Jesus2. Each successive part of the story is less moral than the version before it:

    1. You have slipped, and are hanging from a mountain ledge. A man sees your predicament and pulls you to safety, away from the certain death that awaits you below.

    The next version introduces the idea that you have to ‘accept’ Jesus as your saviour before God will save you:

    2. You have slipped, and are hanging from a mountain ledge. A man sees your predicament and tells you he can save you, if you admit Him as your savior. When you do, He pulls you to safety, away from the certain death that awaits you below.

    The next version introduces the idea that God created the system of original sin (‘the fall’) in the first place, and makes us subject to it:

    3. You’re on a mountain ledge, when the man pushes you off. You have no chance except to grab onto the ledge. He tells you he can save you, if you admit Him as your savior. When you do, He pulls you to safety, away from the certain death that awaits you below.

    And the final story of Christian salvation introduces the idea of the crucifixion of Jesus to atone for our sins:

    4. You’re on a mountain ledge, when the man pushes you off. You have no chance except to grab onto the ledge. The man is holding baby Jesus in his arms. He tells you he can save you, if you admit Him as your savior. When you do, the man throws the child over the edge so he can then pull you to safety, away from the certain death that awaits you below.

    There is no reason to throw the child over the cliff in order to save mankind. None at all… God can just save us, even if its son never existed. Some argue that it was necessary because of the laws of the Universe, that a sacrifice had to be made. However… who made the laws of the Universe? God! Jerome Luther, who provided the original inspiration for the analogy above, continues:

    “They call God’s act the ultimate sacrifice. Indeed, he seems to have sacrificed his own morals. He killed his own son, in cold blood, when he could have done otherwise. He created us, sentenced us to hell, hung a weight of guilt about his son over our shoulders, and then told us he would save us if we bowed down before him.

    Now all we have to do is take his hand. If we grasp his hand, we will be raised up high to live among the elite, to live in ecstasy until the end of time. If we refuse it, we will fall, and live a tortured existence beyond our worst imaginings.

    There is only one sane answer, one obvious choice we must make: let go, and face the consequences.”

  10. I believe the Lord Jesus Christ has completely defeated the devil. I think the problem in the churches is that so called saints are not obeying the word of God. A man came in church wearing a watermelon colored suit and people said very snide things about him. A sister came to church like she was dressed for the club and no one pulled her aside to address her inappropriate attire for the house of God. These outer garments are not important to the Lord I know, However we as saints of the most high should not pick and choose by our standards what is and what is not appropriate but judge righteously by the word of God. Anyway, if the people of God would stop trying to make provisions for the flesh and allowing the gossip, backbiting, phoniness, and hyprocracy to permiate the church we can begin to see the true victory that is found only in Yeshua the Messiah and be ready for the rapture.

    Problem is people love gossip, backbiting, phoniness, and hypocracy, so those of us who are striving to forsake those things and admonish others to do so have a hard time. Well the Bible is true “men love darkness because there deeds are evil.” EVEN SO COME LORD YESHUA.


  11. It is True, and how I thank God for that Truth, that the Lord Jesus has defeated the devil. The problem isn’t with our Tender Eternal, it’s with us, sigh. We’re taught to “go forth in faith and run the devil off” etc. In “faith” the children of Israel went up boldly to win the day over Ai, but they ended up fleeing before them. There was sin in the camp, Joshua 7. The children of Israel went up boldly to conquer the Promised Land but the Amalekites came down, and the Canaanites and smote them and discomfited them. There was sin in the camp, Numbers 14. God is not mocked and we deceive ourselves if we think we can go before the father of Lies in victory while harboring unconfessed sins and various idols in our hearts.

    For years I sang in church choirs, taught Sunday school, etc, smiling and happy and trying to draw closer to God. I knew what the Bible said about unforgiveness but I never made the connection to me personally. One day while seeking the Lord to get closer to Him He pointed to that scripture and said the unforgiveness had to go. He didn’t mean a quick, half hearted thing. It took me (with His constant help I might add) over a month to work through that mess in my heart and gain the victory. He is not mocked, hard of hearing, or trying to find His glasses. He sees and He knows. Yes, He loves us but He certainly doesn’t love sin. As much as He loves us He won’t move if we are harboring sin in our hearts. May God help us to understand this Truth. God requires one thing of us always and that is, we must come before Him in Truth.

  12. Many christians understand that our Lord Jesus died for us for the forgiveness of sins (salvation) but are not aware that as His body (the church) we have risen with Christ as he was raised to the right hand of our Father. We have dominion over satan Ephesians 1:21 states:
    “Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come..”
    We must simply ask in His name………