Accounted Worthy To Escape

Those are incredible words. Jesus said it like this, “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21:34-36). This great Scripture, spoken by the Son Of God Himself, is a dire warning. There is a multitude that speaks of God and are verbally claiming that they are ready, but their hearts are far from God. Often, I am accused of being a partial Rapture believer; but, that is not true. My answer is always the same, I believe every person that is ready will go with Him. That cannot be called a “Partial Rapture.” What I am saying, as a warning to every one, are the exact words of Christ above. I cannot judge everyone to tell them if they are ready or not. I’m trying to warn the great multitude that claim Christ but live far from Him. If I, or anyone else, must do what Christ said, that should settle the question. The Lord said, “Take heed to yourselves.” He warned against “surfeiting, drunkenness and the cares of this life.” “Cares of this life” are not sinful things, but things that cause us to be too busy to pray or too busy to be faithful to a Godly life. Notice that He said, “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” Why be careless when the power of the Blood and the power of the Holy Ghost is fully able to give you the victory? Please listen to the last three OBD broadcasts and the next five broadcasts. The theme of this series is, “The Prophetic Picture 2011.”

9 thoughts on “Accounted Worthy To Escape

  1. AMEN!!!! couldn’t have said it better!! ~ to go & be with Jesus is our BLESSED HOPE
    and if it is His will, we’ll be hearing that shout & trumpet call to heaven soon …
    possibly as early as this year!

    For those who name the name of Jesus, we are to DEPART from evil!!! 2 Tim 2:19 That
    means to REPENT: to turn FROM sin & to turn TO God with faith in Jesus. For those who
    refuse to do this are spoken of in Titus 1:16 Their fate??!! Matt. 7:22-24

    THEIR choice!! ~ but sadly & to their own eternal demise, most will choose that broad path.

    Even so, may we remain faithful to You, Lord & come, Lord Jesus! Amen!

  2. Yes LORD, Keep us working in YOUR field and saving souls by the power of the SPIRIT until we hear the trumpet call.

    Hear the cry of the watchman, ignore it at your peril.

    Bless you brother Chambers as we, the FINAL GENERATION, await your call as we, the Bride, are not predestined for wrath and the darkness coming in this world, THIS YEAR, as Israel becomes 63 years old on May 9, leaving only 7 years until the generation is full term.

    Blessings on those who have ears and will hear
    In the Name above all Names – JESUS CHRIST

  3. Well said, Pastor Joseph.
    It is all too easy to get wrapped up in this increasingly turbulent world today. I think it is contingent on EVERY CHRISTIAN to spend time in the Bible every day.
    By doing so, we are fulfilling Jesus’ commands to watch and be ready – for our own good!
    Today would be a good time to start if you haven’t already. “Now” is the appointed time because the “tomorrows” are rapidly running out.

  4. there are two raptures. the first is the rapture of the church. The second one is in the great
    tribulation. That rapture is for JEWISH tribulation saints. WITHOUT HOLINESS NO MAN SHALL SEE
    TRIBULATION SAINTS. The first rapture is not a split rapture the second one is. Where they
    lost it in MATHEW 25. This rapture is just before the advent of Jesus. He his setting up
    his KINGDOM. These people in the TRIB must look for him, have the testimony of Jesus, and
    keep the commandments. They must count on their rightousness. In this text, Jesus is
    using the word SON OF MAN. This is HEBREW in text, he is talking to a JEWISH crowd.

  5. Its funny how you have 2 raptures. Then you prove that the Jews are worthy to escape the wrath of God. For the Jews are only made up of 2 tribes. What of the other 10 tribes that became gentiles. They also live with the jews during the tribulation.[144000] Part of those who overcome the great tribulation. . Rev.17:16,17 God causes the Beast to hate the Whore. Whore who rode the Beast. The christian rode this beast governement a lone time and other countries.

  6. As Christians we are ALL called to Holy living, this is how we worship our Lord & bring glory to His name. However if your criteria for being raptured is being righteous then you have missed the point.
    My righteousness is in Christ as my own righteousness is as filthy rags before Him. If I am in Christ then I am considered righteous in the sight of God the Father as His Son has born the penalty for my sin on the cross & my going in the rapture has nothing to do with my own righteousness, in fact if I rely on my own righteousness (and doing good deeds or any works for that matter)then I definitely will not be raptured as my trust is misplaced & not in my Redeemer but in my works. Fact is we ALL sin every day, according to you those “in sin” will not be raptured, that would mean virtually ALL of us. In my opinion your interpretation is therefore flawed as it once again places the onus for sin on the individual & not on our Saviour or the work He has completed on our behalf. This would mean that I am no longer covered by His blood whenever I am found in sin & this is the very reason He came to die for me, seems there is something very wrong with this kind of thinking.

  7. What is sin? “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is
    sin” (James 4:17). We do not need to judge people to let them know whether they are saved or
    not. To judge is not our business. The people who are going to die unsaved know who they
    are and do not need to be told. However, we are fruit inspectors and we do have a
    responsibility to point out to the true believers whether theirs is fruit, not fruit, more
    fruit, much fruit. This encouragement on the part of believers helping believers will help
    us to keep our branches from being gathered and cast into the fire to be burned (John 15:1-11).

  8. WE don’t, cannot “save” others. We are only vessels used by God through our yielding to Him. “No man comes to the Father except the Spirit draws him”
    Our rightiousness is as filthy rags so none of what “we” do is of any worth.

    Brother Ray,

    I cannot let one of your statements go by. Our own righteousness is of no value, but there is a righteousness wrought by the Holy Spirit in us that is greatly valueable. In fact our eternal reward is based on the works of God in us by His graces. His redeeming powers is provided that we might do the will of God and bless the world and people aroumd us. His Grace produces holiness that is of Him and for Him, and it is proof of what He has wrought in our lives by the wonderful works of salvation.His Blood makes us New Creatures.

    Pastor Chambers