Why Satan was cast out of Heaven

This great moment when the Father cast satan out of heaven was after God had created Adam and Eve and placed them in His beautiful garden. It was the deceiving of Adam and Eve that cost the devil his position and his favor with God. Possibly he was jealous, or wanted the position of Adam to add to his talents. The sin he introduced to The first couple was certainly more than eating an apple. It started the entire fall of man from the lofty creature he was to a sexual passion that ending in the life of sodomy. It is possible that he taught Adam and Eve to practice oral sex. That would certainly fit the pain that fell upon there life. I personally have never met a Psychologist or Psychiatrist that did not defend oral sex, and in most cases homosexuality. Our world is quickly descending into a Sodom and Gomorrah cess-pool. This program is on the cutting edge of what is occurring in these last days. Ultimate blasphemy is right down the road.