Miracles: The Nature of God

No one should dare claim to believe in God, if they do not believe in miracles. The Kingdom of God is a Supernatural Kingdom. It’s impossible to believe the literal Word of God and not see this Supernatural Kingdom. From the moment He began to create this world, it is plain that every act was supernatural. There are professing Christian that have rejected the Book of Genesis. The moment they rejected Genesis they also rejected Jesus Christ. How on earth can there be a second Adam, if there was never a first Adam. The Son Of God from conception to ascension was an example of the Supernatural. Right now He is seated at His and our Heavenly Father’s right hand, and feels every infirmities of every Saint in the earth. My friends, that is an ultimate expression of His Supernatural power and authority. You must learn that our God, The Godhead of three unique Persons, are Divine, perfect in holiness, omnipotent is power and acting Supernatural right now in sustaining this universe.