The Supernatural Signs Are Soon To Leave No Doubt

There are only two kingdoms in the world. One is the Kingdom of God the Father and His Son, and the other is the kingdom of the devil and his Antichrist. The coming display of signs and wonders is going to be a contest between these two Kingdoms. Bible Prophecy is extremely clear about what the world will witness. God’s great supernatural signs will leave no doubt as to His superiority. When Russia, Iran, and the Muslim horde march on Israel; God is going to unleash such power and devastation on their army that only one soldier out of six will live. There will be not be any recognizable Muslim religion left when He is finished. Ezekiel promised by the Holy Ghost, “When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; Then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there” (Ezekiel 39:27-28). The world will begin to understand who our God really is. The New Testament tells us that the mid-heavens, between Earth and God’s Kingdom and Throne, will disappear. These are just two of His great wonders soon to occur. Satan certainly has his plans to compete with God. He is building His massive church that the Bible calls “a Whore Woman” right now. The apostate church world believes they are doing business for God, but they are actually building Satan’s whore religion. All you have to do is read what the secular news is saying about the new religion of today’s church to know it is false. They are talking clearer than the church is talking. Satan’s greatest wonder is his rich and massive church. They brag of their thousands, while we struggle to get a few hundred or less. Just wait, our time is right down the road. The contest will be over soon and the Holy Bible will win every time.

14 thoughts on “The Supernatural Signs Are Soon To Leave No Doubt

  1. Yes, I work with a Non-believer who is a better preacher than I. He tells the other co-workers that the rapture of the church is soon coming, and that Obama is the antichrist, and there is not much of this world left. He doesn’t go to church, and won’t give his life to Jesus, because he plays in a rock band at the local bars, and is afraid God will not let him keep playing that music. He knows the truth — BUT wants to live in the world, sacrificing the future for a few moments of “rock” music and booze. Unfortunately — like the rest of the “whore” church he is likely to be decieved by the antichrist, because he forsakes the FREE GIFT of GOD’s saving GRACE.
    pray for your family and friends while it is still daylight, the night is soon coming.


    Why was Michelle Obama spreading “stimulus” money in Spain? Do you suppose Barack Hussein Obama told her he can’t get re-elected without the votes of Hispanics who aren’t American citizens and she thought he meant the non-American Hispanics living in Spain?
    At least those foreigners are much better than “voters” in American cemeteries!
    BTW, in 1928 Herbert Hoover’s campaign promised that if he were elected there would be “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.”
    Well, Obama has come up with a Hoover twist and says that if he’s re-elected there will be “a chick in every car and some pot in every garage”!
    For some insights into Obamessiah and his think-alikes, Google “Obama Avoids Bible Verses,” “Obama Supports Public Depravity,” “Government-Approved Illegals,” and “Imam Bloomberg’s Sharia Mosque.”
    Have you noticed that America’s “Christian” president has favorites? See search engines including Google and type in “Obama Favors Islam Over Christianity.”
    I wonder what will happen when Obama “comes out” and admits that he’s a Muslim!

  3. Now the question is, Christian have you been watching the signs of the times? Can you see Satan’s one world goverment/one world religious system? America’s progressive politicans aka fascists/globalist are doing the bidding for those behind the scenes, those in the synagouge of Satan, the Federal Reserve bankers/Central bankers, CFR and Bilderberg members. They have a stranglehold on the nations of the earth and truly the 70th Week of Daniel is about to commence.
    Beware of FALSE prophets. Jesus warns us to beware of them BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY WON’T RECOGNIZE THEM. If you could Jesus would not have made an effort to warn us.
    Many of these false prophets have spun the lie of a great escape from suffering and persecution, a pre-trib rapture. It sure sounds good doesn’t it, escape all of Satan’s tribulation, but it’s a lie of Satan to keep the body unprepared and caught off guard!

    1 Corn. 15 clearly states that the rapture will occur at the “last trunpet,” this occurs near the end of the tribulation, just prior to God’s unleashed wrath of which we “are not appointed for.”

    2 Thess. 2 tells us that our gathering together to Him, the rapture, will not occur until the great “falling away comes first” & the “son of perdition” comes into Jerusalem’s Jewish temple claiming himself to be God and demanding worship and all of mankind’s pledging alligence with the mark. This occurs 3 1/2 years into the trib..
    We need to prepare our hearts, and spiritually and physically for the soon to come tribulation and it’s horrific persecution of the saints.
    Secondly we need to prepare as Noah did before the first great judgement, with food, water, supplies, etc..

    Time has almost run out!

    In His Royal Majesty’s Service,
    Mary Kay

  4. We are in the moments jsut before the Rapture I beleive. Israel will soon stand alone and with
    the latest news that Russia is fueling Irans Bushehr nuclear facility in 6 days Israel must strike or accept the threat of Iran with Nuclear capable bombs.

    Just last week obama told Netanyahu Iran would NOT get the fule rods until next year.
    Psalm 83 then Ezekiel 38-39 are right at the door.

  5. There are many in both kingdoms who would like to see the Muslim religion go away, but what if it is supposed to be here if only as an instrument of judgment? It could be an updated version of the Philistines, Assyrians and Babylonians to punish those who do evil in the sight of the Lord. One in four people in the world are Muslims. God wants to teach them the truth, not mow them down. They are under layers and generations of deception. They are just as precious to God as you are… I don’t see the Russians making any military alliances with Muslims as they cause a lot of trouble in Russia, nor do I see them attacking Israel unless Israel attacks them. Iran hasn’t attacked another nation in over 200 years and it would probably be a false flag if they were blamed for something. People should not try to force a prophecy to happen by making evil reports all the time. It shows the corruption of the heart to push and hope for war so the rapture can come… “This Gospel shall be preached to all nations, then the end shall come.” Having WW3 now will only mean mutual assured destruction and more souls for Hell, not a quick escape for you.

  6. How sad it is for lost souls which G-d has said: no one will have an excuse…NO ONE…and the gospel of the Kingdom has been spread around the world. For those who do not believe HE SAID, for those who believe that I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except thru me..HE MEANS IT. He died for all and one soul is like the whole world. He tells us to love the world or HIM..we all have that choice and no one sits on the fence. He is the first, the last and the in the end, for those who believe in HIM will be saved. there will not be any excuse. and those that love the world or the things of the world is not worthy of the Kingdom. and since HE told us the end from the beginning..Genesis 12 tells us that those who do not bless Israel is cursed, even the ones who have no attitude against Israle and the Jews is cursed. the Psalms tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. there are many scripture that tell us when HE comes back and stands on the Mt of OLIVE , that HE will bring up the dead, give them a new heart of flesh and they will look upon whom they perirced and a nation would be born in a day and all Israel will be saved. G-d gave Israel promises..COVERNANTS one on land and one on Redemption. HE tells us in Romans that they were blinded to Messiah for us heathen so we would have the power to become sons of G-d. and that if HE punished them so hard, how much more us who know…for those who believe the lies about the Jews, Muslims and how Israel kills and is on Muslim land..they have NOT read G-d bible. He blessed Abraham with land as HE did the muslims. Philistines is what the PLO is. Even they have said publicly they know the land is not theres..they figure if they can kill the Jews then Mesiah won’t come..But they all have a rude awakening very soon. and signs..they are for the Jews that the believer does not need, because as Romans said, we know already !! The last two prophecies of the end is APOSTASY in the church, and the hate for the is here. Plus G-d said HE would be back in two days, a 1000 yrs is like a day to the L-rd..time is up..the same game Hitler played is world wide only this time Hitler will look like a boy scout. I tried to share letters from the missionaries in Kenya of where Obama was born. the IMam said, there is no such thing as moderate Islam, they have to rule the world for allah..G-d describes the god of this world as to steal, kill and destroy…sound familuar ? for those who follow the herds of blindness and PC which is to call good evil and evil good..need to fly to Israel and see thousands of Arabs in gov and living in Israel in peace and prosperty. only the PLO area where billions from the US and UN go,,only to weapons..against Israel..they have food and everyting including wonderful medical care in Israel..ONE THING to remember G-d’s word is truth. and HE said this time HE is drawing all the nations against Israel to attack an that no one would ever move His chosen off HIS HOLY HILL and that when they attack HE will kill many , chase them home, kill them on the way,,follow the rest into their countries and kill the men, women and cildren and the ox…HE is not coming to make peace, HE is coming to destroy all of HIS enemeis and the enemies of Israel and those who are destroying the earth will bombs and what ever..EVERYONE..time is all but up..stand with Isral, they are our only friend. and Obama and the ones in office because America is living like the day s of Noah were..gays, violence, greed, sex imorallity, lies, stealing and greed. soon there will be war here on our soil and not to mention that everytime someone in a administration pushes Isrel off their land or causes war for them.HE WON”T be mocked. HE says HE works thru the weather. and as they come against HIS CHOSEN. you see what is happening to America as they force Israel off the west bank..??? that is HIS HOLY HILL and they never will..pick up your bible and read Psalms 83. G-d gives you the names of countries that will attack soon, and Isaiah 17,,,read it..soon Gaza will be a waste, and Damascus a red hot rubble and N Jordan, Egypt will not go unpunished and Saudi who gives and supports jiahd and has million s now in America,,will get theirs too..write it down !! And the rapture is very near..we will be tested more..but Hebrews tells us a wise man see’s clamaity coming and prepares..both food and water wise but alsl spiritually. Remember Satan comes like a angle and woe’s those like we see on TV and the lies about the mosques..every muslim alive has a duty to kill Christain pigs, and Jewish monkeys which is what they call us..Saten is in plain site.wake up ,,HE IS COMING..very few will make it thru the tribulatio..let the word of G-d speak for has always been right on ! G-d bless you all, turn to HIM there is nothing else..HE is our blessed assurance..and it will be forever..and as far as muslims go. HE says they will be cut off forever… So who’s side will you choose, G-d’s or satans?

  7. Mary KAy, you appear a bit confused. The rapture of Christ’s bride definitely occurs BEFORE the tribulation starts. There is absolutely no need for the bride of Christ Jesus to be on earth during that time. The Holy Ghost, which is sealed within Christians must be taken out of the earth before the Tribulation can begin and the Antichrist comes to power. WE are also not to suffer God’s wrath and tribulation as stated in the bible. Plus, how would all the saints come down on horse back following Christ right at Armgdn. if we did not assend first to Heaven. Many people are confused over this. But GOD is going to deal with Isreal during the 7 year tribulation, not the CHURCH. We are DEFINITELY gone. So fear not Christian brothers and sisters, we are not going to suffer thru this nightmare.

  8. Patricia Hagemann

    The Timing of the Rapture

    The subject of the timing of the Rapture of the saints is always guaranteed to ignite a debate. Within Church doctrine, there a four main positions.

    1/ No Rapture of the Church

    2/ Pre-tribulation Rapture

    3/ Mid-tribulation Rapture

    4/ Post-tribulation Rapture

    Many leaders totally avoid the topic of the Rapture. They don’t believe it is an important enough issue to risk the division that discussion tends to create. However, I beg to differ. I believe that the existence of Israel unmistakably places us in the latter days. If this is indeed the case, a correct understanding of the end-time is essential. The Body of Messiah needs to be prepared for what is about to take place in the World. If the pre and mid-tribulation doctrines prove to be wrong, then many Christians who were expecting to be raptured may find themselves totally unprepared to survive the tribulation. The Lord has called us to be His fellow-workers. Therefore we need to know what lies before us, so that we can invest our lives in the work of the Kingdom. Let us also remember that Jesus rebuked the people of His day for being able to discern the weather from the signs in the sky, but not being able to discern the signs of the times in which they lived. ( Matthew 16:3 )


  9. Sir I agree with your assessment that Satan’s greatest wonder will be his rich and massive church. Here is the sweet promise of the inter faith union that many will follow for the first 3 1/2 years… “As people who believe in God and follow His revelations, let us rally to a common formula – “faith”. Let’s love God, Who is our Creator and Lord, and follow His commands. And let us pray God to lead us to an even straighter path. When Muslims, Christians and Jews rally to a common formula this way; when they understand that they are friends not enemies, when they see that the real enemy is atheism and paganism, then the world will become a very different place. The fighting that has raged for ages, enmities, fears – and terrorist attacks – will come to an end, and a new civilization based on love, respect and peace will be established upon this “common formula”.
    One problem, no Jesus.


    The USA is presently under attack! Not by a plane flying into a building, but by the insane lying inside a building – the White House!
    According to many sources, it was 8:46 in the morning on September 11, 2001 when 9-11 began in New York City.
    The answer to the present national crisis will not be found in either an “Eric Rudolph” or in a “John Hinckley Jr.”
    It will be found when true American patriots collectively ask God to remove from earth – or at least seriously cripple – the same national pestilence!
    Each morning at 8:46 all genuine Americans, in their respective time zones, should make this petition to the Almighty.
    The more this collective prayer is sent to the “God” mentioned in all 50 state constitutions, the sooner this national cancer will be removed!

  11. Kenneth Acushla

    The last great sign for a pregnant mother that the baby is on the way out is the Breaking of the Waters. Here in Australia and Overseas Countries, now Pakistan there have been Record Breaking Flooding Rainfalls. The Waters have Broken. Earthquakes ETC are the Labour pains of “All Creation is groaning in travail waiting for the Coming Forth of the Sons of Yahweh.” I am 74 years old. In January 2009 My Heavenly Father gave me a vision for the first and only time in my life. As soon as I read the words they disappeared. Jesus Christ is Coming Soon.

  12. I have read all the reply’s and agree with most!

    The Holy Sperit must be present for one to be saved,

    If there is no inwards workings of the Holy Spirit there will be no salvation!

    Any person who has the Holy Spirit working within, can see The Supernatural Signs that are around us, as we are taught from The Scriptures and believe that Jesus’s return is at the “DOOR.”

    Are we looking for Jesus soon return:

    Many are looking for Satan to apear, not seeking Jesus’s return.
    Why I say this? Look how people treat each other, look at the news media, there is a trend of unbleif whithin their hearts, and a care of this world, and many other things Jesus warned us about!