The Gifts of Our Loving God

Every god of all religions except Christianity is a demon masquerading as a god. Look at these religions of the world and you will see selfishness, greed coming from demanding and cruel gods. These gods reveal their true nature by their treatment of their worshipers and by the way these worshipers treat one another and other people. Allah, the Islamic god, is one of the most cruel. Look at Muhammad’s (His name ends in “mad.”) raids on communities and trembling caravans, who are moving around the world to trade merchandise. Here is a quote from the Encyclopedia Brittanica, “After the siege of Medina, Muhammad attacked the Jewish clan of Qurayzah, which had probably been intriguing against him. When they surrendered, the men were all executed and the women and children sold as slaves.” (BC Ed.15 Vol.22, page 4.) Study Buddhism, Hinduism, and any other heathen god and you will not find any mercy, forgiveness, or comfort. Their prophecies — when they exist — are worse than what they offer in this life. Only those that have never heard truth or have lost the way would consider such insanity. The God of our Bible is a loving Creator and His Bible is filled with grace for every one that will trust Him. His Son will save the vilest sinner and make a new person out of him/her. Look at the Gadara demoniac living in the tombs of the dead. He was possessed of devils, wore no clothes, and terrified the community. One visit at the feet of Jesus and he was a new man. Our last view was of him sitting at Jesus’ feet, clothed and in his right mind. Listen to this sermon and be blessed.

3 thoughts on “The Gifts of Our Loving God

  1. Well said, Pastor Joseph.

    If we start with the premise that there is “God,” and I think the order and complexity of this universe and the requirements for life, particularly for the sentient variety, certainly argues strongly for this premise, the next thing to ask is what is the most reliable source of information we have for this Creator of All Things.

    The best points the Bible has for being the most reliable is its historical accuracy borne out over and over again in archaelological discoveries and its unerring ability to reveal events which occurred future to the time they were first recorded. The life of Jesus is just such an example. Below are just a sample of the O.T. prophecies, and N.T. fulfillments regarding him:

    1) His unique birth: Isaiah 7:14 – Luke 1:30:35

    2) The name of the town of his birth: Micah 5:2 – Luke 2:1-7

    3) His lineage from King David: Isaiah 11:1-2,10 – Revelation 22:16

    4) Details of his death: Psalm 22:16-18 – John 19:17-24

    5) His resurrection: Psalm 16:10 – Matthew 28:1-10

    And bear in mind that this doesn’t even begin to cover it all! Therefore in my opinion, if one wants to learn about God, the Bible is the only reliable place to go.

  2. Wait … EVERY God of EVERY religion? Isn’t the God of Abraham also the Christian God?
    R U saying Judaism is not a religion, since that’s where we got our scriptures?

    NEVER!!!!!! The GOd of we that are Christians is the same God in the whole Bible..