Satan Hates The Family: Betrayal By Family Members

Satan first attacked the Father in Heaven and His Throne. Then, he attacked the family institution in the Garden of Eden. The two things Satan hates above all else is God Himself and His earthly family. Everything from adultery, living without marriage, abortion of the unborn child, to the sodomy lifestyle is on Satan’s agenda to promote. The Antichrist will take the designs of Satan from Genesis right into Revelation. This will be his plan for the coming “Seven Years of the Great Tribulation.” Nothing will be hated during the reign of Satan and his unholy trinity more the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, and holy men and women living as a family. Look at these words of Jesus Christ in His warning words on the End Times in Matthew chapter twenty-four. “And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:19-21). It’s revealing that Jesus Christ identifies the family as an object of Satan’s fury during the coming last days. I recently wrote about the Antichrist and his False Prophet being sodomites and got a host of strong reaction against this fact. I am afraid that the church world has forgotten just how vile sodomy is in the sight of God. While every evil thing that I have named above is exploding, the coming wave of hatred among families is already evident. The Antichrist is already at work by the spirit of his nature, even before he is revealed — cannot be revealed until after the Rapture. Refuse to let it destroy the love of your family for one another.
NEXT WEEK: “Jerusalem And Her Enemies.” Do not miss a sermon entitled, “Claiming God’s Blessings When You Have Obeyed.” Preached in the Paw Creek Sanctuary on January 30, 2011.

Satan Hates The Family: Betrayal By Family Members (MP3)

10 thoughts on “Satan Hates The Family: Betrayal By Family Members

  1. dolly ellington

    While I agree with what u are saying about families. However it does not end with these subject matter. There are family members turning against each other and it is devastating. Some of these ppl claim to be rapture ready saints. They are so judgemental and gossipy and they want to control you. They will never say they are sorry or even try to make amends. It has been my experience some of these ppl can the cruelist and meanest on this old earth. Right after they have stoned youto death their last partin words are I love you. They are giving love a bad name as they are also giving Jesus one as well.

  2. Brother Joseph:

    (I cannot open the files yet, but I can read your commentaries).

    Daniel Chapter 11:37 tells us that “Neither shall he (speaking of Antichrist) regard the God of his father, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.”

    Satan is out to destroy families…….no doubt about that. Abortion and the homosexual agenda are his prime weapons.

  3. is there any way the print in PCM can be inlarged? i have a really tough time reading it as its so small–this is on my 31 inch screen, too.

    sandy holland

    ps didn’t i ask you about this before?
    never heard from you at any rate.


  4. Hello Pastor Joseph.

    Since the family is the fundamental building block of any society to destroy the family is to ultimately destroy the society around it, something that Satan knows well and exploits for all it is worth.

    Regarding the matter of whether the Antichrist and False Prophet will be homosexuals, it certainly can’t be ruled out. But whether they are or not, they’ll likely not be against it or any other aberrant sexual practices that undermines the family.

    That homosexual practices are increasingly accepted and even legalized is strong evidence of that the antichrist spirit is already present in our world.

  5. Yes Sir you are so right on with the truth and couldnt be moreso.

    Yet we still wear blindfolds why ?

    ( you I’m sure can have a better answer than I can – yet I would be honored to try and share only to say – Quick almost panic mode deception, (you,I, we,and even God) are all far to important and have no time to really listen to anyone, else, I am the truth, the one, ‘ I Am ‘ that in truth as I stop to study it out, ‘I Am’ the God for myself.

    And my True friend SS ( that the great I Am knows nuthing of) is putting me on the throne, in the center where I belong ( setting me up for the kill, to put him in his rightful place _ bvecause of our free will, he knew only we Gods children could move God out of the center to where he could get to his rightful place.

    God made satan to put him where he belongs and he made each of us for a specific purpose – but oh no I belong somewhere else in a better place, you appear to have better than me and I deserve it not you Mr Chambers, I want what you have, but do I.

    (if it’s God is in truth, in our hearts soul then we should desire, crave to share and have the same love, peace, contentment, praise for our true God ….
    (is I,wherever I Am only being smoothly lied too even behind the pulpit, that I believe I Am preaching for Gods Truth – and the great I Am is only going to go down with the boat as it sinks from all the lies putting holes in the truth only to glorify me- deceived by panic mode deception, surely my God who was nuthing but a reflection of God, surely he will SAVE me – Would God not ask me Garry, but wait a minute I thought you told me you were already saved, born again, what happened is this not what you have told everyone you met ???

    Is this possibly on track – or will it be I will not hear back – for no one had the time to listen due to their far greater immediate important positions in the center – We will soon see or not!!!

  6. I certainly agree with you about homosexuality. It is a sin that makes God shudder, but the homosexual agenda is advancing while the Church is remaining silent. If we do not stand against this evil lifestyle it will eventually run over us. I remember what a pastor in nazi Germany .
    said. They came for the Jew and I said nothing because I wasn’t a Jew. They then came for the
    trade unionist and I said nothing because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me no
    and there was no one left to say anything.

  7. Hello,
    Yes, I believe the antichrist will be a sodomite, but I don’t think it will stop there. He will also be bi-sexual and participate in every other form of sexual and other perversion that we can’t even imagine.
    He has already been filling the world with his propaganda through all forms of media, causing people to lower their standards slowly at first, then accelerating as he feels he can. There are so many images and subliminal techniques, that we are all affected more or less just by being in the world no matter what we avoid.
    I am praying that the LORD daily saturate my mind and those on my prayer list with the blood of Jesus to cleanse and filter out anything that we need protection from, and that we be filled with the fruit of the Spirit in its place.
    We may not know with what we’re being bombarded, but God does. As we draw close to Him, He will protect us even when we aren’t aware of what the attacks are.
    I’m having to learn more and more to trust Him.
    To God be the glory!

  8. One thing I find very interesting, Islam also hates homosexuality and the media, politicians and Marxists are afraid to touch them, unlike the way they treat true believers.
    I am wondering if God may just use the un-Godly to chasten the un -Godly.
    Our churches were seduced many years ago by the “seeker friendly” “and “modern church growth movement”.
    Schuller was one of the founders Warren took it to the next level of evil delusion.
    We must always remember true revival if it is to be MUST start with repentance as in 2 Chronicles. It is up to us His people to turn from our wicked ways, seek His face then He will heal our land.

  9. I think this pertains a lot to me. I walk with Jesus until recently an old boy friend came back into my life and caused me to commit FORNICATION. I FELT DIRTY. Since then he has been calling me like Satan himself is trying to cause me to fall into temptation. This past weekend God himself helped me. I was SO BORDE Lonely and I was about to meet with him again. I realized what happened and told God you’re the only one who can help me. I suddenly became so tired I couldn’t do ANYTHING. I was in bed late 7pm. (Very unusual) I had no control over wanting to meet with him. I placed it in God’s hands and he made a way out. By making me very tired to a point where I could not get out of bed. I want to get married. I have no Christian man available that truly walks with the Lord Jesus. It is rare almost extinct where I am. (I’M ASSUMING) I ask every person reading this please pray for me-Michele, that the Lord can help me. In Jesus holy name amen.

  10. Dear Pastor Chambers,

    I agree with most everything that is presented to us by you, so that we will Honour our bodies as temples. Jesus is Holy so we are to be Holy. If we destroy our Temple(s) then G-D will destroy us.
    We are not to fornicate because it destroys us.

    The Gay Lesbian Movement should hear about the Celibacy for Salvation option in the Christian Faith. Straitforward Gospel Truths that keep us from drinking blood, eating things that are strangled, or offered to Idols and keep to from fornication, if so we/you will do well!

    Real Love has always been Agape Love not Eros Love….

    Families need to know that they need a Loving and Disciplining Mother and a Loving and Disciplining Father and to eat a meal together everyday so that Philia(dear Friendship) and Agape love will abound. Praying together is still the best way to stay together.

    Time test: if your children don’t agree with you, then who do they agree with? TV, or maybe the school, family diners together combat those pesky intrusions.
