THE GREAT DESTROYER OF THE CHURCH IS RELIGION WITHOUT A SIN-KILLING EXPERIENCE. Religion is to know about Jesus Christ but Discipleship is a personal acquaintance with Him. Most big name ministers warn you against seeking an experience in your desire after eternal life. That completely cheats you out of hope in Christ. If you have not had an experience with Christ, than you are not SAVED. This is why the multitude of religious people are only religious. They cannot overcome sin because they are unsaved, they have never been BORN AGAIN. The moment you truly are a new creature in Christ, the Holy Spirit will bear witness in your own heart. Nobody will need to say, “You are saved”, you will know you are saved. The Holy Spirit said, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:” Romans 8:16) If this has never happened in your life, make an altar and tell God in Jesus Name, “I ‘m not leaving until I know You are my personal Savior.” You will never be the same. ” But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” (Romans 8:11) Religion can still love the world, but the moment He saves you from sin, your entire delights will be transformed. A Disciple of Jesus Christ has found “The Pearl Of Great Price.” Jesus told us the story of a person seeking this pearl. He was referring to Himself.“Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” (St Matt. 13:46) Do not stop at RELIGION, but in Prayer and total surrender, turn your life over to Him as your all in all. His Spirit will take you to your place of a NEW LIFE IN CHRIST.

DO NOT MISS OPEN BIBLE DIALOGUE this Saturday. Our SUBJECT is “THE SEVEN YEARS OF GREAT TRIBULATION”. This world will become HELL on earth as demons out of the ABYSS are turned loose on earth. “And he open the bottomless pit… “(Revelation 9:2) Go to the Church picture above and click to go to Home page. There is a link to the live Broadcast on the right (Saturday at 1:00 P.M. EST) and the archived (24/7) on the left.


  1. You stated that discipleship is a “personal acquaintance” with Him”(Christ), however,
    I personally and respectfully disagree with this statement. Discipleship is much more than
    an acquaintance it is a personal relationship with Christ. John, in chapter 15 of his
    gospel speaks of the Vine and branches depicting the believers relationship with Christ,
    and talks of “abiding” in Christ, as a branch would a vine. The term “abiding” addresses
    the intimacy and constancy of one’s relationship with Christ. Therefore, it is more than
    an acquaintance.

  2. Bless you brother Chamber for that teaching. It reminded me of a conversation I had with Gordon. Gordon is 90 and is a devoted Methodist man. One day we were discussing the new birth and I told im of my experience, how that one Sunday night the preacher preached a particular sermon and immediately I knew I was lost and in need of salvation. When he got through with that sermon I rand to that altar and begged God to forgive me and to give me Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Seems I was not there very long till God answered. My sins were forgiven and I KNEW I had been born again cause I jumped up and hugged the preacher’s neck. – Anyway after hearing all that Gordon said “the only think I can say is that you are a lightning bolt christian while I am a sunset Christ. What did he mean by that brother Chambers?

  3. Thank you brother, being raised Baptist then having a true relationship (not just ah ha moments) where His sweet Spirit comes over you (as a tea bag being lowered in warm water) w/His love and have some cold stiff telling me that it’s not scriptural, well you brothers understand, God bless!

  4. Amen & Amen – that it is all Gods work, Gods calling, every bit of it even before repentance came into play that my crying out and repentance was only the brginning of salvation, that even that part was not of myself but of His calling without my knowing – salvation to be born again requires His getting me over me (His repenting us ) with only my true submission desire being a little part – then He at the approperiate time says now you are saved to be born again as He continues on with His progress with us – as we come in our weak humble grateful repentance daily ………

    Amen & Amen you are so right and the flesh is always so wrong – Jhn 15:5 – 1Jhn 4:4

  5. Emotionalism as is preached here is a lie. I am NOT discounting a personal enounter with Jesus. I myself have had one. But my FAITH came decades before that encounter.

    Think people! If everyone bases their belief in Jesus on emotional “feelings” they are no better than drug users whose whole existence is “hooked on a feeling.” This same thing is true of sex-addicts whose whole existence is based on sexual climaxes. “Feelings” change. Faith is constant.

    St Paul continually presented the Gospel as something that took place in time. That Jesus was a real man “born of a woman” Who was not only man but also God. St Paul presents his findings as facts which may be reasonably believed. St Paul NEVER based acceptance of Jesus as Lord on “feelings”. Feelings change – facts do not change.

    Joesph, I’m surprised that you would take this relativisstic precept. Relativism is the bane of our present era. Come back to Scripture, Joseph. Remember Jesus, quoting Moses, said that God was to be adored with our WHOLE MINDS, as well as our hearts, minds and strength.

  6. To Adam Tedder.

    Well, my friend, I suspect you have much company feeling unforgiven, myself included at times. The thing is the Bible tells us that this “ain’t so.”

    1 John 1:8-9 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he [Jesus] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all righteousness. [Bracketed section added.]

    This means we are all prone to sin and until we get our glorifed bodies, well, we will fall into sin. But as you see, every time that happens, if you confess your sins, Jesus is there to forgive them, all the time. This, of course, requires a sincere confession because NO ONE can fool God.

    Read Luke 18:9-14. This was the case of a Pharisee (a relgious leader who was expert in Mosaic Law and tried to live according to all its precepts) who was bragging to God what a wonderful person he was, and a second man, a publican (a tax collector for Rome), who realized his unworthiness and asked God for forgiveness.

    I’d say your attitude mirrors that of the publican myself. So, read with hope and encouragement Verse 14 which tells you which of these two men received “justification” (which means being put right with God).

    And remember, Jesus ALWAYS tells the truth!

  7. I guess my replies just don’t cut the mustard with you, eh, Joseph? They cause you folks to think more about the things you want to hate without sufficient reason, doesn’t it?

    Well, that’s the way of the world, right, Joseph. What you can’t honestly answer you just ignore.

  8. What A Wonderful, Wonderful Message, Pastor Chambers!The Sweet Holy Ghost Witness Through Me After The Anointed Message Was Finished!I Want To Be A Total Surrended Disciple For Him In These Last Days! GOD Bless You And Your Ministry!!! In The MASTERS Service,MARANTHA

  9. Once again I cannot agree with you, our salvation is based on faith & not in “experiences” & if you read chapter 11 of Hebrews you will see that this is how anyone throughout history is saved.
    We cannot rely on our emotions or experiences as these will change all the time. It is our faith in our Deliverer that will determine whether we are saved or not & nothing else.
    I experience my Lord as I walk with Him & as I develop my relationship with Him through this walk with Him but it is my faith through grace in Christ alone that saves me.

  10. By the way the whole Toronto movement was a faith based on experiences that had people running off to Toronto from all over the world to seek experiences of God when He is to be found right where we are? This movement had followers laughing uncontrolably & barking like dogs? This is chaos, can this be of God? Our God is a God of order & not confusion or chaos. People thus start to seek the “experiences” rather than Jesus to whom all salvation belongs. People barking like dogs being seen or watched by non believers mocks our God & certainly does not bring Him glory.

  11. Dear Pastor,

    Once again i find some quick response(s) to your letter too abrupt.

    Sean ; we are to come out of Her, Babylon the Mystery RELIGION, My Sheep know my voice. Come up here, we want personal! Better not wait until the last minute or decades( as you said)to decide if you are close the Saviour,

    As i have respectfully requested before: Quit knit picking, now go and reinstate the second commandment in the Catholic Religion before the False Prophet(Peter Romanus)has a hay day setting up an image to be worshipped!

    Pastor this article hits at the heart of the matter, Our deeds must be personal with Jesus otherwise its just vain empty religion. Just like Rome/Babylon/Chaldean….

    God Bless


    I’m not leaving this altar
    Personally I’m in need to know
    Need to know you are my Savior
    Got no more places to go

    Quicken my mortal body
    Raise me from the dead
    Come dwell in me forever
    Do just like You said

    I was wrong, I’m so sorry
    Please forgive me my Lord
    I’m undone, pierced through
    By Your two edged sword

    Jesus please save me
    Your words my new hope
    Please take this nose
    And coiled up rope.

    Cast them away
    Make me brand new
    I’m here at this altar
    Not leaving without you

    9/13/11 Willie