Hillary Clinton Will Not Be President Unless The Rapture Occurs First

Barack Obama could not have carried and promoted the “Sodomy Agenda” as strongly as he has without the possibility of being a hidden homosexual.

Hillary Clinton has shared his devotion to this agenda and seemingly proven what many already believe. She is on the team to make Sodomy a worldwide acceptance with protection for those involved. These two unclean and headstrong souls are committed to the “Mystery of Iniquity.” The Holy Scripture has tagged the coming antiChrist with a devotion to the immoral jungle of the Sodomite lifestyle. The term “Mystery of Iniquity” is a Biblical cover name for the sodomite world of homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, boy and girl abusers, beastiality, and many other perversions too deplorable to name. The term actually covers all wicked actions of the coming Tribulation Period.

To make such a charge requires the documentation to back it up. A notable conservative leader wrote in the Worldview Times the following: “While evangelicals are being told that social issues are off the table in this election cycle the leftists (communists, socialists, progressives) continue to preach their social agenda not only to America, but to the whole world. According to their leaders, Barack H. Obama and Hillary Clinton, the United States is going to use ‘all the tools of American diplomacy to promote gay rights around the world!’ (New York Times, December 6, 2011). (Noebel, David. “Sodomites International.” Worldview Weekend. 28 Dec. 2011. 09 Dec. 2014 )

Hillary Clinton has stated her intention clearly, “religious objections to homosexuality should not stand in the way of vigorous United Nations actions to promote the homosexual rights agenda.” (Noebel, David. “Sodomites International.” Worldview Weekend. 28 Dec. 2011. 09 Dec. 2014) Now that America knows what this godless woman believes, I believe it is impossible for her to be elected until the saints of God are gone. After the Rapture her tastes and interests will be fully normal with the New World Order. Nothing strikes terror in the majority of conservatives of America more than the thought of Hillary Clinton being the next President even without the sodomy agenda. That terror is one of the reasons she will never reach the goal she now cherishes and is pursuing without the true church’s exit. Americans have made foolish decisions in the past, but nothing close to electing Hillary. She presents a persona of compassion but has a heart of cold steel. She is an evil woman, possessed of spirits and it would be hard to imagine America ever recovering from eight years of her design.

She is the dream world of every godless humanistic segment in our America. God’s prophetic plan for us as a nation would be disrupted. Satan’s cohorts would dance with glee. Liberals see her as the hope of final and absolute defeat of all core conservative policies and the complete entrenchment of the liberal design. The present climax in our nation appears toward a slow return to a more conservative atmosphere. The road back from judicial activism gone completely berserk has begun. The liberals have slowly hijacked our once proud nation of her strong faith in God and her commitment to decency. With their flagship foot soldiers, called the American Civil Liberties Union, they have intimidated almost every local government and public school to kick God out the back door. All of this is desperate for change.

Hillary Clinton wants to be the President so that she can go far beyond her husband’s policies and even those of Barack Obama. Bill Clinton’s reckless life compelled him to adopt middle of the road policies to stay in office. She exudes a self-righteous demeanor that would seduce the many spineless politicians to cloak her plans in grandeur. Her appointments of judges and key offices would undercut every conservative value that America has loved and holds dear. Bloody Mary of England’s past would win sainthood after Hillary.

Most Americans remember when she stood shoulder to shoulder with Arafat and endorsed this terrorist as a statesman. Our greatest protection as a nation is our unfailing support of Israel and our deep unity of faith in the same sovereign God of the Bible. This kind of Biblical foundation means nothing to liberals, including Hillary Clinton. It is our only hope of survival in this post 9/11 world.

It is only because of pro-life Americans weeping and sighing over the million of aborted babies, and other horrible evils, that have diverted even greater judgment on this nation. The spilled blood of these innocent souls cries out from our soil and those cries have already reached the ears of our God. We must elect a pro-life president that will stop the bloodshed of the unborn. Add to this the same-sex marriage and America is only surviving by the mercy and longsuffering of our God. For this nation to survive until the Rapture requires saints on their face weeping and praying.

Hillary is a pro-choice hardcore. Unborn children would have less rights than minorities ever imagined. The only kind of persons she would ever consider for a judicial appointment are equally hardcore on this issue. The funding of population control by abortion would be high on her agenda. Not one unborn child would be safe in America while she was President.

The champions of women’s rights have always been the true church of Jesus Christ. The women’s rights championed by “President” Hillary would not be moral in the least but would lean towards lesbianism and the end of marriage, as we have known it in our great American traditions. Every report I have read of her in the White House has been wild radicalism on this issue. Some key women that served the Clinton White House looked more like “butches” than ladies.

While all the things we know about Hillary are dangerous, the most scary things are the things we do not know. A woman of her demeanor, if it were possible for her to be elected President, would take on a degree of haughtiness that would border on insanity. She would be emboldened by the kind of staff she would surround herself with, and they would certainly further her ego. It would be “Queen Hillary” in her mind, and the very grandeur that would be seen by Americans would make her impossible to defeat. Think of the conduct and attitude that Bill Clinton got by with and double it for Hillary Clinton.

Senator Tom Coburn (OK), a medical doctor and a member of President Bush’s AIDS committee, has said that the “gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country, and [that] they wield extreme power” (Salon, September 2004). He also believes the “[gay] agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today.” Obama and his radical homosexual mafia plan to sodomize the world and make such perversion seem as wholesome as apple pie and vanilla ice cream. In reality, such perversion cannot be printed in a family publication or broadcast on any FCC regulated TV or radio stations. If Obama and his hirelings (Including Hillary Clinton) get their way, children around the world will be reading the poem “Here at School, the Slant is Gay.” It’s found in A Queer Thing Happened in America by Michael L. Brown, page 86. Here is an excerpt:

Little Johnny [Mohammad, Diaz, Igor, etc.] went to school

There to learn a brand new rule;

No longer could the boys be boys

Or have their special trucks and toys;

Only six, so young and tender

It’s time for him to unlearn gender

And break the binding two-sex mold

That hurtful thinking that’s so old.

Parents at home can have their say

But here at school, the slant is gay.

In other words, to make this clear

There’s nothing wrong with being queer.

Having two moms is mighty fine;

To disagree is out of line.

We’ll deconstruct the family

And smash religious bigotry

And keep the church out of the state

By saying faith is really hate.

(Only part of poem)

Please believe me when I say this woman is dangerous. Every great nation, institution, church denomination, or business must follow discernment in the placing of individuals in places of leadership. Most of the decision is made on the persona that hides behind the face. As America approaches the future, we must learn to be discerning in electing our leaders. God has a prophetic place for our nation. Our great culture of the past has been wounded to the edge of extinction. It must be resurrected. We need a spiritual awakening that goes far beyond the church face we wear on Sunday morning. Our leaders we elect actually represent what is happening spiritually in the hearts of the voting majority. Let’s prepare on our faces before God for the next election. If we do, and I believe many will, Senator Hillary Clinton does not have the possibility of winning.

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5 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Will Not Be President Unless The Rapture Occurs First

  1. Dear Pastor

    Yes the final stop on the road to perdition is beastiality, for 400 years the Cannaites perfected
    their abomination. The last days shall be shortened and here we are only 60 years and its all gone
    to hell. Joshua did not finish them off and they took down King Solomon (his ammorite & cannanite wives)

    We achieved, what took them 400 years in only 60 short years, we are to exponge to sodomite from the land to procure the revival we so dearly pray for.

    Or Jesus will call the church and remove it from the land, and let those left behind fend for themselves, to see what their passions provide or destroy. Jesus paid the price for all of us.
    including the sodomite crowd.

    Look up for ur redemption draws near, Ezra had to ask Israel to look up so The Lord could see their
    faces, we are now asked again LOOK UP, do not focus on sin, but live to repent of it!

    Sorry you have to go through this in America, this has been going on longer here in Canada.

    God Bless

  2. How could anyone say that America would not elect Clinton when they have elected sodomite supporter/muslim terrorist Obama not once but twice?

    Everyone keeps talking like there will even be another election. THERE WILL NOT!
    Obama has spent the last six years building a dictatorship empire. There’s no way he’s gonna turn it over to anyone else to run. Something will happen prompting him to declare marshal law. Lest anyone forget. There’s still the matter of that missing nuke.

  3. Excellent article Brother Chambers! Truly, Hillary and her minions would be (and are!) a scourge on America. My prayer is that Americans will pray and get the mind of God for whom they vote, rather than being swayed by slick talking politicians who would have them vote for a candidate from a particular political party.

  4. Joshua Fincannon

    I think you are right about this they are all a bunch of evil disgusting people who will do anything for power,but thank goodness that we can pray and God can change everything.

  5. Sir, Nearly all Christians watch TBN YV from time to time…. even if they say they don’t.

    There are many programs on there that I DO NOT watch.

    However, I have noticed their format has changes greatly……..None of the older pastors are on there and the few that are seem to be teaching child’s play or poppy cock. Nothing seems to be of sound doctrim any more.

    We watch TBN because we can’t watch the regular channels any more..

    However, we have noticed they teach none of the Bible prophecies anymore either……. They seem to have TURNED to a Hallmark type movie channel….. Ane TBN Network seems to have grown to nearly all the world.

    Knowing they could be in danger with teaching The Gospel, could someone be censoring them? That is to keep them out of Bible prophecy and maybe they have agreed to ONLY teach “salvation alone’?? With no full teachings and they are staying on worldwide to not preach Full Gospel.

    I am not exactly sure how to word any of this. It seems they HAVE indeed changed drastically. I do wonder if they HAVE been threatened. I am very serious to write you on this.

    Many good and faithful Christians DO turn to TBN TV,…………….life is lonely for many true Christians today and we get some daily news from it. We do not feel that the news stations are giving us full news today…

    However, many Christian radio stations. which many are local, are still teaching Christian marerials and good Christian music.

    We would like to hear you teach a bit more in clarity on just where we are in prophecy. You send out very nice pictures and scripture but we have to try and unravel it ourselves.

    We feel it is only a matter of time before America is hit again and it will affect all towns and cities.

    People are already afraid…. I know we are told NOT to fear but it is human to fear, yes, even for Christians.

    We are all in our ‘homes’ and even though we pray and say our prayers every night we can alm,ost ‘feel’ it coming………. and sooo many people are alone in a crowed room…….many young mothers and little children and grand parents as well. people may seem ‘together’ but clearly they are NOT.

    We Christians MUST quit judging……let us let God do that… young people from all income and status are in grave danger…….. without some kind of REVIVAL our young babies are going to HELL…

    They don’t know today what is right or wrong.

    Sissy little boys and tomboy girls do THINK they are gay…. when they are not…

    IF Almighty God doesn’t step in and help is in some way…. many are going to just crash.

    There is no one to stand in for them.. I see no one……..

    TBN TV has become very ‘timid’…. Maybe they have made some ‘contract’ to keep it down in these days…. it is like watered down coolaide these days.

    Do you have some words to speak to us at these times?

    In Faith and Hope.
