Jerusalem And The Mark Of The Beast

Obama’s Healthcare that includes his microchip is the darkest descent toward the Antichrist yet. I thought that his treatment of Israel was his lowest moment, but this is worse. The Antichrist hates Israel and will destroy millions of Jews after he comes into power. But, the Mark of the Beast is the chief instrument used in Satan’s rise to world control. At the middle point of the Seven Years of the Antichrist kingdom or One World Order, he will place his image in the third Jewish Temple. This will desecrate the Temple and end all Jewish sacrifices. The slaughter of the Jews will escalate and the world will be a dark place. Every person that repents and turns to Christ will be killed. This microchip is not the Mark Of The Beast, but it will help prepare the world for the Mark. I would suspect that this chip will either have a GPS to identify your location at all times or will soon have such a capability. No one with a sound mind would want the Obama crowd to know where they are or what they are doing. He has appointed more perverted people to help run his administration than, probably, all previous presidents together. The American people have allowed one idea after another that has prepared our nation for the end times. The Antichrist will only rule for seven years, so everything must be in order. Of all the signs of the end times that I have witnessed, this has got to be one of the last. The Rapture is “Any Moment.” We need to quit saying soon and start saying, “Any Moment.”

One thought on “Jerusalem And The Mark Of The Beast

  1. Kenneth Acushla

    The word CHARAGMA actually means ETCHING. So the Mark is an etching on the skin of the forehead or hand so everyone will know that person belongs to Lucifer. Obama the false president is under the control of the spirit of antichrist. The agony of pain he inflicts on babies in the womb when they are aborted will be visited on him in Eternity.