Blaspheming The Holy Ghost

The Biblical picture of the Holy Ghost is awesome. The Holy Spirit is very God and His office is to make all that God the Father and God the Son are real in our lives. The Father nor the Son do absolutely nothing in our lives or in Christ’s church except by the awesome person of the Holy Ghost. If we reject Him, who He is, and what He does, we are left without one expression of God in our midst. This is why the church of today is impotent. The church world is nothing but the world in a church house. It has been proven that church members fornicate, divorce, have abortions, etc. etc. just as frequently as the non-church people. The church has blasphemed the Bible, Holiness living, and the Ten Commandments until the unsaved view the professing people with little respect.

The Antichrist is going to take all of this to a new level. The entire New World Order will be led by political humans that will be more like animals then humans. Jesus said, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy” (Revelation 13:1). President Obama is a small example of the kind of blasphemy that will be the character of the coming political world. “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven” (Revelation 13:6). People that are saved, along with millions of lukewarm Christians that repent after the Rapture, will be slaughtered by the Antichrist in the most cruel ways possible. When I hear someone suggest that they will get right in the Great Tribulation, I doubt that someone with that mindset will even have a chance. Please wake up and look at what is already happening. Do we have time to wait another day?

6 thoughts on “Blaspheming The Holy Ghost

  1. kenneth harris

    Alot more people need to take “salvation” alot more serious than they do.when i was lost i seen that the house of GOD was getting thinner and thinner by the month and year.

    people don’t fear GOD anymore or this is how it seems to me anyway.When the HOLY GHOST deals with you and it is strong enough conviction, your going to do something.this is what is missing is the conviction of the HOLY GHOST in this world,you tell someone about the saving power of Jesus and you have just offended them.

    I remember when it wasn’t like that, but times have changed,as for me i could’nt be more happer you see this life is so so short and there is’nt nothing more greater than living for and soon with our Lord and savior JESUS CHRIST.

    He is all i need,im a new man now i have been bought with a price “and im not for sale”
    Glory be to His name

  2. Brother Chambers I agree with everything you have stated.

    Most of the “Church World” today have become num/dumb, and have no leg to stand on, they
    don’t build on the foundation of Christ Jesus, and what He has done for us at The Cross .

    When you bring something into the Church from a fleshly source to build and to bring members
    into your church, you have to remember that you will have to keep doing the same fleshly
    thing to keep them there!

    The Antichrist will have a field day with those who reject what He has done for us at the

    When one can understand, that it was Love that nailed Jesus to the Cross and it would have
    taken only one drop of His Blood to save the world, and that He Jesus Christ covers the
    darkness with His Light!

    Be Blessed

    Brother in Christ
    Ed Savoy Sr


  4. I’ve been blessed again with your message, Brother Chambers! You’re right in the class
    with Jonathan Edwards (and his sermon “Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God!”) Those were
    fiery Revivalists back then. There are only few left today who can preach like that and
    you are one. Dear God, give us 10,000 “John the Baptists!” We need many more who preach
    strong truths to get this nation back to it’s senses. There’s not much time….God’s
    judgment is upon us and “I can almost hear the trumpet.”

    I know your Camp Meeting will be great. God bless you and yours.

  5. The salvation you talk of is based on works. If I have believed in the Son & in the One who sent Him then according to scripture I am saved & have eternal life & is thus not dependent upon what I do in this life. For it is by grace through faith & not by works lest any man should boast. Yes I ought to live according to the law of Christ & my works will determine my reward in Heaven but they have no bearing at all upon my salvation, for the work that He has done is complete & does not need anything from me to complete His work. To deny this is to deny the work of Christ on the cross. What a wonderful salvation He has wrought on my behalf, what a wonderful God we serve.

  6. None of know it all, but to not heed ALL of G-d’s council it to be luke warm which G-d in Revelation says, he will sprew us out of His Mouth. In John, HE says, why do you call me L-rd and not obey MY Fathers commands? and then when some stand before Him and they tell HIM , I healed the sick, cast out demons , fed the hungry and clothed the naked etc. He says, depart from Me, I never knew you , you men of lawlessness.. and one other scripture says, pastors that do not preach the truth will get double punishment. taking scripture out of context only leaves pretext, meaning not having ALL truth only leaves a lie. If pastors get double punishment , they sure would not get it in Heaven, so where? the tribulation? tested by the fire..not to forget G-d says when we think we know it all, we know nothing. Too many see G-d as only love, a little baby in the cradle. but HE is a G-d of JUSTICE too and is not coming to make peace , but is coming with the sword. another scripture some could care less about is Zechariah 12: 2-3..and Genesis 12:3..and many others. People best wake up and reliaze that we are grafted into the Olive Tree and did not replace the Jews..Jeremiah 30 and 31 tell us in that day etc..some just throw out the old T as they call it and could care less on how it interpets the new T. and that the new T is concealed in the old T. and to remember what was, will be and there is NOTHING New under the sun…it tells us that we are on G-d’s side or the enemies side. the ememy is the ones coming against Israel who G-d says will be cut off forever and the last two prophecies are the hate for Israel and the Jews sprewing the lies and the Apostasy in the Church who have let in everything of the world and throw out the only Power which is the gospel..I can hardly believe it all on how the churches decided to just be part of the world to say nothing of realizing that we the people are the government and we are to pray for them, and make them follow the laws of the land, not mens. and if we did vote in G-dly men and women we would not be in this mess of G-dlessness. G-d speaks of the Sabbath, how it will never change. and yet the church even picks the day of the L-rd, which is the tribulation..why? because they follow the world..but one day too late they will realize being left behind is because they threw out the L-rd’s words and loved the world or their church more that G-d Himself, and they will also realize that men never saved anyone…pray for them, keep on preaching the truth. HE is coming the 2000 yrs is up and all the signs coming together is here which are for the Jews as we don’t need to be told as Paul told us, we already know..and not to forget that Paul said they were blinded for us heathen so we could have the power to become sons of take the gospel to the world , the JEW first..hello ?? but instead they hate them, and very soon it will be too late for many…the word many is lie they say ten thousands of ten thousands will be left behind. How canthey not choose G-d and His precious word. HE tells us NO ONE sits on the fence, we are for HIM or against HIM..that the world would love their own.. an example is the emerging church gospel, the other Jesus that Paul preaced about..we are not to listen to any gospel preached than the one G-d gave us, and will have no excuse according to G-d who is all power ..I hope all humble themselves and pray and repent so G-d would heal our land..G-d bless all