Armageddon: The End of Antichrist

The Battle of Armageddon is one of the grandest events in all of our human experiences. This event will occur at the end of the seven years, called the Great Tribulation. When you look at the text for this sermon (Revelation 19:11-14), it is overwhelming. The heavens are going to swing wide the barriers and the world will see the Pearly White City. Then, out of that city will descend the Son of God. Jesus Christ is shown upon His white stallion leading an army of saints. These saints are not just any saints but the resurrected and raptured multitude from both the First Testament and the Second Testament. That has to include Abraham and Sarah and every true believer from Judaism. Of course, there will be Paul, Peter, James, John, and all the New Testamant saints right down to the last saint of God that has died. Then, the living saints that will be raptured before the Great Tribulation. The glory of this hour will be the end of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Just as soon as this battle is finished, they will both be cast into the Lake of Fire. The devil will be bound for a thousand years and Jesus will establish His earthly kingdom for that same period. Please keep your Bible open and let this truth excite you for our future.
OPEN BIBLE DIALOGUE this SATURDAY – October 23: New Series – “Satan and the Islamic Religion.” “LIVE” on Radio and Internet at 1:00 PM (EST)

4 thoughts on “Armageddon: The End of Antichrist

  1. Wow – thank you for this exciting message! To think that we’ll all be returning with Jesus on which horses with all of the saints who ever lived to finally put an end to Satan and his minions will be the ultimate experience. With Jesus leading the way and with the company of the disciples and prophets of old it will be exciting for sure. Come Lord Jesus!

  2. What a glorious future God has planned for His children! “For the Lord himself shall d escend from heaven wit ashout, with the voice of the ar changel, and wit the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alivae and remain shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER caughand

  3. What a glorious future God has prepared for His children! No man knows the day or hour but
    we WILL know the season! As children of light we are not in darkness, so we must watch
    and be sober. This is the season to “look up for your redemption is near!” For God has not
    appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Those are “shoutin’ words!” Hallelujah! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

  4. Hello Pastor Joseph.
    No doubt included in the company accompaning Jesus during his Second Advent will also be those who were killed for their belief in him during the Tribulation. Now the Rapture was for all O.T. and N.T. saints who received their glorfied bodies at this time so if you or anyone out there has some thoughts about the sequence of events for the Trib Saints, which probably include the 144,000 Jews who become evangelists, in which they, too, receive glorified bodies and so are included in the heavenly army, please advise because this is not really clear to me.