Allah Is Not Jehovah God

“The Twelfth Imam” proves beyond question my premise stated above. According to Islamic Eschatology, “The Twelfth Imam” cannot be revealed until all Christians and all Jews are either slaughtered or converted. If Allah is the same as Jehovah, why has Jehovah changed from loving His family to murdering us for our faith? That’s a foolish question you may add, but it’s no more foolish than you calling Allah the same as our true and loving Heavenly father. David stated, “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth” (Psalms 83:18).
!. There is no similarity between the Holy Bible and the Koran. Try reading them beside one another. Listen to the tone and try to feel the spirit/Spirit of each.
2. Allah is not similar to our God in any characteristic, attitude, or action.
3. Our Heavenly Father gave His Son to die for us in our place. He took our sins on His heart and soul and became our substitute. Find one expression of love in Allah’s heart. Prior to Muhammad, he was once reported to have his own trinity. His three daughters, named al-Lat, Manat, and al-Ussat, are called Allah’s trinity. There is no likeness between them.
4. The heaven in the Islamic religion is more like hell than heaven. It is not a holy place that’s for sure. A man that dies for Allah gets 72 virgins to spend eternity with. No man with his right mind wants 72 concubines to satisfy forever. How about the women that must spend eternity sharing the same man with 71 other women. It would be a hair-pulling time. This is just a small picture of the difference in the truth versus the Koran’s error.
I’m disgusted with ministers in the church, priests in Catholic circles, and Rabbis in the Jewish faith trying to teach the world that Allah is actually Jehovah. When the smoke settles, they will be more disgusted then than I am now.
NEXT WEEK: “The Islamic Religion Is A Threat To America.”

24 thoughts on “Allah Is Not Jehovah God

  1. Amen! bro! Islam is satan’s tool and most Americans and other nations are deceived.But in the end we win. Only YHWH is GOD! There is no other. Keep on spreading the truth.

  2. Mark A. Steiner

    I’m disgusted with ministers in the church, Priests in Catholic circles and Rabbis in the Jewish faith trying to teach the world that Allah is actually Jehovah. When the smoke settles they will be more disgusted then than I am now.

    It will be worse than that, Brother Chambers. They will be in (or on their way) to Hades awaiting eternity in Gehenna and Second Death: Revelation 20:14.

    Allah is a four-star demonic general in Satan’s army: Ephesians 6:12. He holds no less than 1.2 billion precious souls Jesus died and rose for in abominable shariah bondage. He is superior in rank to the prince of Persia that was witheld 21 days before one of God’s angels broke through to Daniel to relate to him the last days to the prophet: Daniel 10:1-13.

    The Prince of Persia is “bad news” all by himself. He oversees the shariah abominations in modern day Iran, Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (successor to A. Ruhollah Khomeini) and the clerical rabble in Tehran.

    Thanks for these nuggets of truth, Brother. Allah and Jehovah (Yahweh) ARE NOT the same!

  3. praise the lord all these major religions are destined for the lake of fire

    peoples are deceived. john14-6

  4. Hello Pastor Joseph.
    Again, you are right on target. The Koran is nothing more than a corruption of the Hebrew and Christian Bible. For example, Ishmael, not Isaac is the “chosen one.” It supposedly reveres Moses and yet seeks to destroy his people.

    But the biggest paradox I find is how Muslims claim Jesus is a valid prophet yet deny his claims of deity. Wouldnt that make him a “bad prophet” to claim something that he is not?

    The big test for truth is its logical consistency, something Islam cannot ever provide. That in itself demonstrates this religion has nothing to do with the truth.

  5. Mostly Christians are using word ” Allah” as subsititute for Jehovah. The world is full of compromising evil spirits with false religions. As Servant of Jehovah God of Israel and
    Church I will never recommend this word to bring souls into Heavenly Kingdom. There is no
    place in Heaven for ungodly and unbiblical compromising. Let us continue to Praise, preach
    teach God’s true Names, Characteristics, attitude and works.

    Jesus is coming Soon!

    Rev.Anil Jasper
    St.John’s Church

  6. Тhe word – God is in translation, as Elohim and appearing it, as plural from the word – Ell or Elloah and in Arabic is Allah. It means that the word – God included all Three Natures of the Almighty God, as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    The word – Lord, in Hebrew means Yahweh (YHWH), or Jehovah and appearing it, as a singular. So, the word – Lord is the name of Our Heavenly Father and it is My name, as well, as the Angel of His Face, as the Son of God and as your Saviour.

  7. Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus, the ONLY way to the Father

    Yet another excellent article.
    Here in the now apostate UK, these questions are on many lips. Did you know the most
    popular name for boys in Britain last year was Mohammed or a variant of that!!
    Shameful Evangelical Compromise and ecumenical, ‘all in together’ finds some pastors,
    even agreeing, that they are just different names for the same God!
    This is lie from the pit of hell itself,
    with the unmissable stamp of the Harlot church of Rome, firmly
    stamped upon it..
    Keep up the great work Brother Joseph..
    Love in Christ Jesus to all.
    Brother James UK
    ‘Thy Word IS truth.’

  8. Dear Brother Chambers, With respect to all of the above comments cancerning other religions, Jesus said, let the wheat and tares grow side by side, when the harvest comes, you know what happens nezt. Let OUR light so shine. Love your enemies. Please stop charactor assinating other religions so that what you say can be read by them, God has everything in hand and we are in His hands.

  9. A great article, better yet, a great truth. In my studies there is no
    other than Jesus Christ. Now I doubt that I could be led a stray by fales
    doctrine, becasuse the Holy Spirit is my guide along with Gods Word.
    Keep up the great work. Your Brother in Christ.
    Pastor Bob Gardner
    Bethel Baptist Church.

  10. I cross swords weekly with muslims of quite high rank. there is only one God and we agree with that statement but who is he ?
    my God had a son , the muslim God had no son so I tell them that their god is not my God and my God is not their god.
    there is only one God and he will finally reveal himself to all mankind shortly.
    the muslim seems to have fitted abraham, moses and Jesus into their book and are shocked when told that abraham moses and Jesus are not muslims.

    bless you brother chambers from a sunny south africa

  11. .”In pre Islamic Arabia Allah was considered the sole divinity however,Allah was considered the creator of the world and the giver of rain.The notion of the term may have been
    vague in the meccan religion Allah was associated with companions when pre Islamic Arabs considered as
    subordinate deities Meccans held that a kind of kinship exsisted between Allah and the jinn.Allah was thought to have had sons and that the local deities of al-uzza,manat and al-lat”.

  12. Dear Pastor Joseph,

    In a book written by a pastor who has written many books about the Holy Bible has said, the word Allah was in Mohammads father’s name as well as in one of his uncles name, so Mohammad chose the name Allah for their god. Allah is just a figment of immagination and not a real spirit like Yahweh. I have read that Allah is a moon god. During the 7th century Muslims worshiped 360 gods a year, that is a different god every day. Wow, that is quite a list of gods. I for one will worship Yahweh/Yeshua. I will continue to be a watchman on the wall until the True God comes and calls me home. Pastor Joseph, you are a preacher for our only True and Living God and you have to preach the Truth whether it offends other religions, perhaps many Muslims will get Saved by your preaching.

  13. And of course the main way that we know Allah is not our LORD God Jehovah is that Allah never had a son. The “72 Virgins” that the Muslims get when they kill an infidel, what happens when those virgins are no longer virgins? And Joseph, if you are disgusted with the preachers and the rabbi’s and the priest’s and the man in the white house, we can KNOW how God feels. “God is angry with the wicked every day” (Psalm 7:11)

  14. Brother Chambers,

    We are in the dark as a church and nation state and have been paralyzed with new age thinking to a point that we can’t even begin to have meaningful discussion. We are dealing with a masterfully planned information operations campaign that has been crafted over a period of many centuries by the great deceiver.

    The deception is multilateraled. It is not only the infidel but the Muslim that is being deceived. Take for example how new converts to Islam are intentionally kept in the dark. This is due to a nexus in Islam between progressive revelation, abrogation, and slander. Abrogation doctrine reflects what Nyazee, Kamali, and Yusuf Ali describe as “progressive revelation” over the period of Quranic revelation, the effect of Islamic law of slander is that it allows for Islamic conversion to an incomplete understanding of Islam.

    In the book Methodology of Dawah Ilallah in American Perspective, they discusses how new American converts to Islam are to be converted to a form of Islam that reflects an early stage of revelation thus leaving the mosque community to oversee the new convert’s personal journey through the Milestones of revelation.

    The concept of Tawheed (Oneness of God) is explained to them in academic fashion without
    telling what this Kalimah demands from a Muslim. Aqidah is explained without giving the details
    of the impact of Iman Billah and Iman Bil-Akhirah, and without telling what revolution it must
    bring in the life of an individual and the society in which he lives.

    The question is this: If a new convert is deliberately indoctrinated with an incomplete understanding of Islam how much more are we the ‘Kuffer’ (non-Muslim) be kept in the dark?

    Thanks for fighting the good fight. Your voice is one that cries out truth in the darkness.



  15. Brother Chambers,

    I would like to present for your review and consideration a document entitled: Methodology of Dawah Ilalla In American Perspective.

    This document is a good overview of the salient points of the Islamic operations plan for conquest of our country through peaceful means. It is a derivative of several other works and writings that would be too lengthy to get into here. Please have a quick look at Chapter 7 Page 83 entitled What to Present to America, This will provide additional information in the continued discussion about truth.

    As I see the core issue is Calvary, I quote from page 87 of this document: “By their misconstrued conception innovated by St. Paul, Christians have made Jesus (PBUH) into a “human-God.” This is clear idolatry. Making partners with God is a sin. He will never forgive this sin.”

    This is a stark contrast from John 14:6 where Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    Yours in Christ,


  16. Sir,

    You asked a question in your broadcast why moderates do not condemn their radical brothers. I will attempt to answer this. It is my understanding that moderates can’t condemn “The Radical Muslims” for if they do they are labeled Talebearers, this is one Who Stirs up Enmity between the People. Based on the references below if moderate believer speaks out they doom themselves to hell as a talebearer.

    Definition: Talebearer is the reference to a person who passes on to others what he hears from someone in such a manner that will cause dissension among people. It is unanimously unlawful according to the opinions of the Muslim scholars. This is Islamic
    jurisprudence by scholarly consensus (Ijmā).

    There are many proofs that maintain the prohibition of that abhorred action. The following are some of them:

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “He who stirs up enmity among people by quoting their words to each other will not enter paradise.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

    Once the Messengers of Allah (pbuh) passed by two graves and said, “The two are being tormented, and not for anything excessive: one of them did not free himself of traces of urine, while the other was a talebearer.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

    On the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah said, “You find that among the worst people is someone who is two-faced, showing one face to some and another face to the others.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

    He (pbuh) also said, “Who he stirs up enmity among people by quoting their words in this world, Allah will severely torment him in the Hereafter;” (Ibn Hibban and Abu Dawud)

    Hope this sufficiently answers your question about the silence of other muslims.



  17. Yap…. I agree with Ps. Jospeh Chambers a 100% that Allah is not the God of the OT & NT. He is not the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church at large better wake up to this fact or suffer the consequence of being cast out for idoltary.

    I believe all the Bibles which have the word Allah should be removed, for it is blasphamy towards the True Living God, by associating Him with a violent demi-god.

    Church wake up and purify yourself from all this Allah “filth.” Be not associated with Allah & Islam, it is not of the True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, the God of the Church.

  18. Allah is the name for God that Arabic Jews and Christians would use at the time of Christ onward. The name Allah is related to the Hebrew name Elohim and can be used for the true God.

    So the question becomes how you view the history of Mohamed, the Arab conquests, and the spread of Islam through centuries of trade and missions. I’d have to read the history that Rev Chambers cites. what I have read is that the Arab conquests were no more controversial than Joshua’s conquest or the Crusades and they were often greeted as liberators. Those who fought for the lust of money or blood will be judged for their sins, but there is historical evidence that Mohamed brought reforms that made their conquests and raids more ethical than they had been before even if not up to our standards today. Mohamed also brought reforms to care for widows and orphans and the poor.

    His second marriage is disputed in the histories as some she was older than other accounts say or that the marriage was not consummated until years later. These views are supported by the fact that there was no controversy about the relationship during her life and there would have been if it was as critics have assumed.

    Muslims do accept the virgin birth, Jesus as a sinless teacher of God, and that Jesus will return to conquer evil. The apparent contradiction of the Muslim view of the cross can be resolved by understanding the vision and culture of the Arabian desert. Allah in their culture was more similar in meaning to Love and Truth or the Holy Spirit that has no body. They did not see Allah as three persons in one being as in the Nicene Creed. They saw Jesus in his sinless humanity and divine message. Also when they saw the icons Christians made, they went against their world view that saw these images as mirages not leading to living water in the desert. This relates to why these cultures are more sensitive to a photo being taken.

    A Muslim of good heart who avoids violence can eventually be lead to accept Christ without having to give up much of their true beliefs. Sounds strange to you perhaps, but it is true.

  19. Allah is the name for God that Arabic Jews and Christians would use at the time of Christ onward. The name Allah is related to the Hebrew name Elohim and can be used for the true God.

    So the question becomes how you view the history of Mohamed, the Arab conquests, and the spread of Islam through centuries of trade and missions. I’d have to read the history that Rev Chambers cites. What I have read is that the Arab conquests were no more controversial than Joshua’s conquests or the Crusades. They were often greeted as liberators. Those who fought for the lust of money or blood will be judged for their sins, but there is historical evidence that Mohamed brought reforms that made their conquests and raids more ethical than they had been before even if not up to our standards today. Mohamed also brought reforms to care for widows and orphans and the poor.

  20. Allah does not mean God, the Arabic word for God is Ilah, therefore Allah is the personal name of the Muslim God and is certainly not the same as the Jewish or Christian God whose name is Yahweh

  21. For those who said God is not Allah because the Arabic word for god is ilah, you are hiding a crucial detail, the only difference between the 2 is the arabic definite article “al”. An english equivelent of Allah would be “The God”, the definite article simple emphasized that their is only one God