Todd Bentley The Charismatic Poster Boy

The present church world is being inundated with witchcraft spirits. Sadly, the majority of both the church and the unconverted world refuse to be taught about this danger. I am hearing reports of churches all over our world being torn to threads by these masquerading powers as unspiritual Christians fall prey. If you know nothing of discernment and the tactics of evil powers you are in danger. Almost the entire charismatic church world is under strange powers. I get many letters and emails telling the experiences people are having. Going to church can be dangerous unless there is a man of God in the pulpit.
Todd Bentley has become a poster boy to what is common fare in most churches. Denominational names mean nothing anymore. Just because a church is independent means nothing either. The gifts of the Holy Ghost are supernatural but most Pentecostal churches are either void of these wonderful powers or have allowed them to become a human game. When the Holy Spirit is the master in God’s House it will be absolutely pure and refreshing. Truth, God’s infallible Word will be loved, taught and lived.
This program will help you understand that there is a very narrow line between truth and error, the Holy Spirit and a masquerading spirit, the power of God and strange emotions that titillate the flesh. Remember, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12-13)

Order our two free gifts: “Todd Bentley; The Culmination Of The False Charismatic Revival” and “Blaspheming The Marriage Supper.” Tell your friends about this worldwide broadcast.