Todd Bentley; Animal Sounds In The House Of God

Its almost like a civil war in Pentecostal and Charismatic Churchs. Todd Bentley’s strange ways leaves no one on the side line. I believe the Charismatic deception had to come to the point that people must decide if they believe the Bible or if they believe in the so called "New Revelations". To descend to the point that drunkenness or animal actions and noises are called the anointing of the Holy Ghost, passes the lines to insanity. There are many things occurring that are planned to entrap you. If someone prophesies over you and you recieve it you may be entraped. Rock Music is a satanic form of music and for you to worship with that music will entrap you and create in you false worship. To claim the ability to pray in tongues when you get ready is evident of entrapment. There is certain more dangerous ideas involved.Listen carefully to this Broadcast.Repond to