A Timeline to Watch

This Prophetic News Alert is a worldwide picture toward which you can set your attention as we march toward the coming One World Order. The New World Order of Jesus Christ is called the Millennial Reign and it cannot be inaugurated until the present order is finished. Jesus spoke of the present order as the “Times of the Gentiles.” This order begins with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and will be finished when Jesus Christ returns bodily to Jerusalem. Then, the New World Order will begin.

All of the Gentile governments are on their last leg. It’s easy to see the fragile condition that exists in states of government even here in America. We are surviving because of the incredible number of godly people, because a multitude of us love Israel and are faithful in its survival, and because we are the one world power that keeps this world from absolute chaos. Ask yourself what would have happened in Haiti last year, in Kuwait in 1991, and to the Kurds and Shiittes after 1991 (when we maintained the “no fly” zone) if America did not have the military powers of peace keeping.

Babylon, Iraq

  • The cradle of civilization and the seat of SatanÂ’s reign on this earth is in Ancient Chaldea, Sumer, the Land of Nimrod, and Assyria, etc. that we now call Iraq. This country had to become a spotlight to the end.
  • A river that flowed to the Garden of Eden in Iraq that became extinct over five thousand years ago was recently discovered by the science of archaeology. This river was named in Genesis chapter two as the Pison River.
  • The United Nations will become a growing force in Iraq as that nation enters the International Community of Nations. Already Iraq is dreaming of their international importance. Maps have been developed for tourism and Iraqis were participants in the Olympics this season.
  • Babylon as the international capital of the coming One World Order will gain attention and be completely restored.
  • A great palace set on a hill overlooking this ancient city, built by Saddam Hussein, is awaiting the arrival of the Antichrist himself.
  • The Assyrians in the north of Iraq are already longing for attention and the political spotlight. They will slowly move toward a place of importance in the Iraqi mosaic.
  • The Assyrian will soon be a nation of vast importance and will be one of only three nations in the Middle East during the thousand years of ChristÂ’s reign on earth
  • Because Iraq has vast importance to the AntichristÂ’s future does not mean that all Iraqis are evil. Many of them long for peace and freedom and are not a part of some demonic design. There are wonderful people in Iraq just like all other nations of the earth.

Israel and the Jews

  • America will be a faithful ally to Israel and this will leave us on the political sideline as the United Nations and the New World Order develops.
  • Any president that defends Israel and refuses to join the anti-Sematic rhetoric of the world is going to be hated by many former European allies.
  • The unrest in Israel and among the Palestinians is going to be a hotbed until Israel is brought to repentance and they turn to Jesus Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation.
  • Israel will give statehood to the Palestinians and experience some short-lived peace. America will support the Palestinian State, and President Bush will be greatly criticized for supporting this action.
  • The destruction of Gog and Magog, when they march against Israel, will cause the whole world to stop and consider the God of Israel and of America and her allies.
  • The development of the Antichrist Kingdom on a worldwide basis will cause a growing hatred for Israel, which will climax in the slaughter of millions of Jews and the image of the Antichrist being erected in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem.

United Nations

  • This institution will continue to grow in absolute hatred for America. Its leaders will seek to undermine any American interest that does not bow to their international agenda.
  • Hatred for Israel will position this institution on the side of Gog and Magog when they march against Israel.
  • The United Nations will soon decide to move out of New York to a more friendly location. Babylon or Baghdad is the most apparent location.
  • Russia, Germany, and possibly France, along with their allies (Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia, etc.), will soon rattle their sabers against Israel, but America will be one of GodÂ’s swords to defend His chosen people.
  • Any political person that positions himself/herself on the side of the United Nations will be rejected by a large percentage of Americans.

The One World Religion

  • The present pope of the Catholic Church is laying the foundation for the “Prophetic Pope” that will be an ally to the False Prophet of the Great Tribulation.
  • Robert Schuller is one of the most important False Prophets and is slowly (through his surrogates like Rick Warren, Bill Hybel, and others) guiding the Evangelical world into the false religious system.
  • Rick Joyner, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and a host of Charismatic leaders has made the Pentecostal world an ally to the coming False Prophet.
  • The Fundamentalist believers that still preach the great doctrines of the Bible are hated by the One World System that is quickly developing.
  • The One World Religious system is preparing to ride the whore of Revelation chapter seventeen and this union is not far from completion.

The Latter Rain

  • The great revival called the Latter Rain is going to sweep millions into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. This revival may begin before the Rapture but it will grow into a mighty visitation by the beginning of the one thousand years of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on this earth.
  • The Bible does not say when, but the false church will be judged and will bow at the feet of the godly and faithful saints of the Living God. (Revelation 3:9)
  • The Gospel will be preached in all the world and then the end will come. Worldwide Identification
  • The technology of instant worldwide identification is on a fast track. This idea is no longer an option. It is the best hope to limit terrorism.
  • Terrorist activities are forcing the world toward a perfect system that will control every act of commerce and travel on this globe.
  • When the Antichrist government begins to crack down on those without his mark, the system will have been perfected. We are only a short distance from every technology needed to give absolute control to the Antichrist.

This Prophetic News Alert needs to be made available to all of America. Please copy or send for copies to distribute to many others. This clear picture of what our world is facing will serve to warn the wicked and excite those that love the Bible. Some of it is dark, but all of it must be fulfilled as we finish the “time of the Gentiles” and get ready for the New World Order of Jesus Christ.

Joseph R. Chambers