The Total Destruction Of Islam

The Islamic religion will soon be history. This false religion has spread its venom and hatred against Christianity and the Jews for over 1400 years. God’s cup of wrath is either full or at the points of boiling. I Believe that the Islamic religion has got to be eliminated because the Anti-Christ and his one world religion will be apostate Christianity. Revelation chapter 17 is a clear picture of an apostate form of both Catholism and Protestantism. The capitol is Rome and there is nothing in Revelation that even shows a shadow of Islam. This is a strong indication that the war of Gog and Magog may happen before the Rapture. The religion of the war of Gog and Magog is Islam but the religion of The seven years of the Great Tribulation is apostate Christianity. This is a positive proof that these two wars are not the same event. Someone recently wrote a book to prove that Gog of the Gog and Magog war is the Anti-Christ. This is preposterous. The Bible calls him The Assyrian several times. Always be wary of new ideas that have nothing but a smart mind behind them. The Bible interprets itself and nothing else.Please send your questions or comments to