The Shaking Of The Nation of Israel

There are three great religions that reject Israel’s place in future events. The Islamic’s are certainly the most radical and are determined to eliminate them from the face of the earth. Liberal protestants are mostly convinced that Israel has been replaced by the church so nothing in prophecy relates to the Jewish people. The Dominianist have almost taken over the Pentecostals and these misguided people believe that they are getting ready to set up Christ’s kingdom for Him and to rule the world. They are training Joel’s army to kill all of us because we have refused to submit to their dark revelations. (Thank God we won’t be here when they march to war.) When you couple these ideas with the “One World Order” world leaders it would appear that Israel has no possibility of surviving. It is evident that some Jewish people are convinced that they have no future. One Jewish author has written a book entitled, “The Late Great State Of Israel”. No one needs to worry about Israel’s future because God always has the last word and He has spoken. Israel’s greatest days are right ahead of them. At the end of the seven years of the great tribulation, the Son of God will return with His Saints, Jews and Gentiles, and set up His kingdom. Literal Jerusalem will be His World Capitol. Until Christ returns to the earth, Israel’s path is full of troubles. Our duty is to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and seek to show nothing but concern for God’s chosen nation and Christ’s natural family.