The Present Shaking Is Not The Great Tribulation!

What is happening on the world scene is not even close to the coming “Great Tribulation”. The History Channel program that I was on this week gave the impression that we may already be in the opening of the Seven Seals of Revelation. I’m not being critical of them because there are many people that call themselves prophecy teachers that do not believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. The opening of the Seals do not occur until the sixth Chapter of Revelation, but the Saints are seen around the Throne of God in Chapters four and five. They are no longer called the church because the church age is over. Not one time during the Great Tribulation are the glorified saints called the church, they are called elders. Jesus is never called the Lord of the church during the duration of Revelation chapters six to chapters nineteen. Every instant where He is seen or described He is the “Lamb”. The shaking that will start when the Seals are opened is a vastly different from the hell we are already witnessing. If you think its bad now, you miss that GREAT rapture and you will learn what bad is all about. Jesus is ready to set your soul on fire with His presence so you will not be set on fire in hell.