The One World Order, After The War Of Gog and Magog

Soon after the war of Gog and Magog there will arise an Antichrist in the Middle East. He will make the rebuilding of Babylon a first responsibility. Then he will declare Babylon as his Capital and it will become the mystery of the One World Order. Her glory will be short lived and judgment by God will drive this madman, the Antichrist, to destroy Rome and Jerusalem. Rome, he will bury with fire, butJerusalem will have a Mighty Defender, the returning Christ and His matchless Bride. Now we can see why Irag and her new fragile democracy is not part of Gog and Magog. The Biblical picture of Prophecy is breathtaking in the developing events before our very eyes. While Russia and Iran are planning there next move Our Sovereign God is visiting sincere souls throughout the Arab and muslim world. One Saudi Cleric, recently decried that six (6) millions muslims are converting to Jesus Christ yearly. God never judges the honest and spiritually hungry person with the wicked. As the wicked are planning their moves the nation of Israel is being prepared for there Ark of The Covenant and their Temple.Do no miss the next broadcast. E-mail us with comments or questions.