The Major Effort To Stop The Rapture

Every effort to deny the Rapture always serves to confuse the great truths of Holy Scripture. The false idea of "Replacement Theology", or to understand better– the church replaces Israel and therefore Israel is without a Biblical future– is behind almost every denial of the Pre Trib Rapture. Its impossible to rightly understand the Antichrist, if you eliminate the Rapture from occurring before he is revealed. The Judgment Seat of Christ occurs following the Rapture and before the Marriage Supper begins in Heaven. The Marriage Supper itself occurs in Heaven after the Rapture but before Jesus Christ comes the second time to the earth. The order of all End time events fit perfectly only with the Rapture occurring to start the whole process. The Book of Revelation is the key. The Heavenly Father gave us this final book to set the record straight. In Revelation we have the Rapture in Chapter four and every end time events is listed after the Rapture. This is why the multitude that refuse to believe in the Rapture are ready to deny that The Book of Revelation is literal.Please send your questions or comments to