The Lake of Fire Will Be Visible For Eternity

This generation refuses to grasp how dark and horrible sin is to God’s creation. Every broken heart, every forsaken son or daughter, every rape or murder has sin to account, The one sin of abortion and the murder of millions of unborn children is enough to set this universe on its head. The cup of wrath is almost full and soon the Creator will call all the guilty to answer. Hell continues to enlarge and soon it will rise to join the lake of fire. The degrees Fahrenheit in the center of our earth is said to be 11,000 degrees. Jesus directed John to write, "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night…" (Revelation 14:11)

The Lake of Fire Will be Visible for Eternity

In the present location of Babylon this city will sink. (Jeremiah 51:61) The Great Jehovah God will judge the very location where satan has directed his hellish assault against Truth. It will become The Lake Of Fire and a "hold", a "cage" and a "habitation" for the devils and all the wicked. (Revelation 18 :2)