The Devil In The Bottomless Pit

We live in the most Prophetic hour of human history. More prophecy is being fulfilled in our generation than has occurred is any previous generation. It is everywhere evident. Starting in the year of 1948 when Israel became a nation again, one fulfillment after another has transpired. At this moment there is no way a Bible believer that has heard the truth of End Time Prophecies can doubt that this is the end. In fact the secular world seems to be more alert to something developing than most church people. Nothing is more dangerous than to be in a church that ignores or attack prophecy. A Church that is ignorant of God’s future plans is a dark place. The devil hates Bible prophecy because it is the end of him. When the Rapture takes place Satan can never deceive or attack those saints again. I stood to pray at a funeral a few days ago and was inspired to pray with these words, "My Father, I am not on speaking terms with the devil, but please have an angel to tell the devil. He just lost another soul that he can never tempt or disturb again. This brother is no longer in Satan reach."I could hear the shouts as the Saints rejoiced in the hope of our future. Satan will soon be in the "Bottomless Pit" and then after the Millennium Reign in the "Lake Of Fire" forever.Please send your questions or comments to