The Bridegroom and the Bride in Waiting

This Sermon out of "The Song of Songs" that we call in our English text, "The Song Of Solomon" is most important. The Holy Ghost gave this perfect text to show the theme of the Bible as the King of Kings that awaits and looks with joy to the day of the Marriage Feast. The central message is the Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bride is revealed as His Spouse that ravishes His Heart. She is called a Garden, a Spring shut up or a Fountain sealed. The Bridegroom Is called "The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley." The sadist chapter is chapter five. There we see the Bridegroom at the door of His coming, but the Bride is full of excuses and misses His time of visitation. The five foolish virgins of Matthews 24 is the New Testament picture of this same sadness. Many, even a multitude will miss His coming rapture of the saints. PLEASE LISTEN!!!