Satans Choice for an American President

Most Americans seem to have forgotten that there is an invisible war between right and wrong and between righteousness and evil. This hidden war may be unseen in it’s behind the scene stages, but will always be visible in the end. Satan has been the master of destruction from the beginning of man’s six thousand years. The Bible describes his final end as the destroyer of nations. “They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” (Isaiah 14:16-17). For a long time, Satan has had America in his sight for destruction.

William F. Buckley, Jr., died just a few days ago on February 27, 2008. As I listened to remarks of his greatness, talk of his book, God & Man at Yale, kept surfacing. This book, along with Mr. Buckley, was credited with launching the present conservative movement in America. The following is a quote from his book that basically states what this Prophetic News Alert is about. “I believe that the duel between Christianity and atheism is the most important in the world. I further believe that the struggle between individualism and collectivism is the same struggle reproduced on another level.” (God & Man at Yale, p. xviii. The quote is penned by Mr. Buckley, but had been written by a reviewer of his book, Willmoore Kendall.) Atheism is nothing but an intellectual term for Satan’s influence.

With the church world in a spiritual comatose state, it is left up to a remnant of GodÂ’s saints to take a stand. We must learn to discern and identify the power of destruction in the political realm. Often, our choices are not clear enough or not clear at all. This is one of the presidential election years in which we are facing possible disaster. Either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama would offer us more abortions, more taxes, and more homosexual liberties at our expense, along with a lack of security from world dangers. Liberalism is nothing but hungry politicians that want to run our lives for us. They have no sense of God-given rights, values, or liberties. Every value intrinsic in the Bible is rejected and despised. It is a war for our national future and even our survival as an independent nation.

As I study ancient history in preparation for our prophecy conference on the Mediterranean Sea, I am learning more about the great nations that have fallen into the dust of ruins. The greatness and riches of past empires are unbelievable. With his rot and moral decay, Satan has destroyed one great culture after another. There are no armies big enough to save a nation of baby killers, homosexual paraders, greedy leaders, and lazy taxpayers. It takes moral men and women that are willing to take a stand at all costs to protect any nation and assure its continuing future.

Most Bible believers are not perfectly happy with the presidency of George W. Bush. But, he has turned the tide on some very important issues. Finally, the Supreme Court is not far from a clear, conservative majority. This highest court in our nation has destroyed many of the moral standards of America. One more period of eight years of having all appointments to that court being solid conservatives would change the legal standards of America.

Satan cannot destroy any culture that has a moral underpinning. If Abraham could have produced ten righteous men in Sodom and Gomorrah, those cities would have experienced an awakening and they would have survived. Abraham could save those cities from the armies that attacked them, but he could not save them from the filth that demanded their obliteration.

America barely made it through the presidency of Bill Clinton. We are still recovering from the moral decay of the Clinton White House. The recently dethroned New York Governor, Eliot Spitzer, is an echo of that decay. Even people that are basically good and decent – but without any spiritual life – cannot survive long when a nation is on the moral slide downward. “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” (Galatians 5:9). There is no doubt that the church world of America is simply following the liberalism that rules the media and attacks everything in its way throughout society. The Clinton years gave the media their coveted excuse to be vicious against all moral values.

I do not need to say anything more about Hillary Clinton than the above stated facts. Barack Obama is only different from her in the color of his skin and his sex. In my mind there is no doubt that Americans, as a whole, do not care about the race or sex of the person that they will choose to be president. Look for yourself at the respected persons across America. Whether they are sports figures, movie stars, singers, executive persons, or political individuals; we have a very broad love of successful fellow Americans. Only eight years ago, Colin Powell, an African-American, was viewed as a prime choice for president. He was the highest military figure in the greatest army on earth, past or present. Condoleezza Rice, a female African American, was highly encouraged to be the conservative candidate.

Barack Obama is the ultimate liberal and would spell disaster for our nation. Obama has stated that he opposes the Defense of Marriage Act. Concerning that Act of Congress, he stated the following in a publication for the Chicago homosexual community, “It should be repealed, and I will vote for its repeal on the senate floor.” He further stated, “I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.”

Studying the voting record of Mr. Obama gives a picture of ultimate liberalism. He voted against a bill to prohibit partial birth abortions. (That’s where a child is partially delivered then brutally murdered.) He even voted against a bill entitled, “Born Alive Infant Protection.” (This would have protected the life of an aborted baby that was alive after the abortion.) On and on the record of his values, as manifested in making the laws of this nation, reveal a dangerous man to God’s laws of righteousness.

Satan wants another president in our White House that does not have any solid Biblical values. He also wants a man that has been indoctrinated against Israel and her right to the Land of Promise. For twenty years, the pastor of Mr. Obama has a proven record of denigrating our defense of Israel and constantly attacking America as being unfair to the Palestinians. If there is one position that Satan loves among all the rest, it is a position of disregard for our faithful support of the nation of Israel. To forget our position beside Israel would be paramount to inviting a thousand suicide bombers to our American cities. You must pray long and hard before you cast your ballot in this election.