Russia Has Her Sights Set On Israel

Russia means it for evil, but God means it for good. Vladimir Putin is either already the Russian Czar or very close to being. One of the key leaders and players in the Russian war game wrote "The operation should be carried out using the code-name, ‘Final Thrust to the South.’ He futher said, ‘The Arabs and Europeans…have a vested interest in seeing to it Russia establishes her new borders… Only in this way can they escape the Israeli trap." (Epicenter, Rosenberg, Page 140 &141) Most American have had no idea of the efforts behind the scences the Russian have played in the Middle East effort against the Jews. The judgement of Russia’s army and that of Iran and all the nations that join this dark effort is breathtaking. The Bible spells out the exact picture. Once again Our God will show His glory. He said, "And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstone, fire, and brimstone." (Ezekiel 38: 22) God is going to be glorified in a way that will touch the world. This will end the false glory of the Moslem religion. Isreal will finally be recognized as the Bible has promised. Send your guestion or information for the next broadcast in this series.Please send your question for next Saturday and tell friends to listen.