Rapture: The Catching Away

Can You imagine the sounds and consternation that will fill our world after the supernatural catching away of millions of people. Cars will be found at stoplights, beside the roads and in wrecks, motors running, but drivers gone. Passengers will be insane with fear because drivers or other people simply disappeared. Airplanes will fall because pilots vanished. Multitudes of unprepared people will be stricken with fear because they knew Jesus Christ was coming but refused to surrender to being "Born Again". The worse part will be the billions that do not know what to do because ministers and teachers have not studied the Holy Bible dedicated enough to know the truth about prophecy. It takes a committed person to know the Holy Bible clear enough to proclaim the Prophetic message. The big guestion is, "WHO WILL GO?" There are multitudes that believe almost everybody that has a little Bible interest or go to church occasionally are ready. The bible leaves no doubt about the kind of preparation that each soul should make. Ten virgins, five were wise with oil in their lamps but five were foolish and had allowed the oil to give out. Five went but five did not. Revelation tells of souls that had left there first love and gave a shark warning of danger. Total surrender to Jesus Christ and a lived lived in Bible purity is certain, trusting only in His shed Blood. When you know you are totally His and obeying Him in Holy living then you will have no doubt.Please send your questions or comments to jrc@pawcreek.org.