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Obama the Fox The Hate America Crowd Has Given Us Obama the Fox

The Lord Jesus Christ recognized an evil ruler and called his hand. The Holy Bible said, "The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee. And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected" (Luke 13:31-32). This was more than a statement, it was a prophecy. The third day is now, the third millennium since His death. The Son of God is soon to be revealed in His perfection. Judgment of evil is the first sign of His glory, and I believe it has already begun.

Herod was not only called a "fox," he was grievously judged. Again, the Bible speaks, "And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. But the word of God grew and multiplied" (Acts 12:21-24).

God our Father has given our world two thousand years of grace. Sinners have lived long lives, while the call of God has sounded on deaf ears. False religions — like the Islamic blasphemies — have grown and flourished. Despots – like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini – have robbed nations of their glory and slain multitudes. Saintly people have often asked, "Why does judgment tarry?" The Bible leaves no question – the end of this age will see the judgment of God on wickedness.

There is no evil greater than killing the most helpless, defenseless among us – babies in the mothers’ wombs. While Obama has many dark shadows encompassing his life, nothing is darker than his chartered course to protect and even expand the killing of little children. He has defended abortion during the entire nine months of pregnancy, including partial birth abortions; and he has denied parents the right of notification when their minor children are seeking abortions. He also denies medical attention to a living child that survives an abortion. He and his party are planning to stack the judicial bench with judges that will seek to change our constitution and litigate from the bench. "It’s hell to pay for America."

". . . When the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn" (Proverb 29:2b). "When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase" (Proverb 28:28). Nothing is more destructive to a civilized society than evil men in authority. Everything that reflects the facts about Barack Obama is profoundly evil. His pastor is clearly a demon-possessed false prophet. Every close friend is anathema to the moral underpinning of this nation. His pronouncements of governing policies are Marxist and Socialist. Every society that has followed his dream has ended in the ash heap. This man will either be a wake-up call that passes shortly from the history pages or he will be the end of a great nation.

America is clearly known in the mind of our God. We have a God-given role to play in our world and Obama is posed to rob us of our greatness. Look carefully at these appointed tasks:

  • We are keepers of His chosen nation, Israel. There is no question that we came to the kingdom to help Israel become a nation after two thousand years of wandering. We have been their only capable defenders. Other nations have occasionally voted or acted friendly, but the American military might has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them. They relied heavily on our technology until they possessed it for themselves.
  • America is the one nation that keeps the Russian Bear in her place. Russian leaders have sought world domination for almost one hundred years and are doing so again. There has not been nor is there today one world power that could stop them except for America. We have stared them down over and over again and will need to do so again within our lifetime.
  • The nation of Ancient Babylon (Iraq) was totally helpless to emerge into her prophetic role of End Time fulfillment. The Heavenly Father chose America to eliminate Saddam Hussein and enable a country that was utterly divided by warring factions to emerge as a democracy. The Book of Revelation reveals this nation’s future, but someone had to unlock the door. Our military alone was capable for the task.
  • Iran is poised to seek the elimination of Israel and every living Jewish person. Iranians call us the Great Satan because they know we stand between them and the country of Israel. The moment that American’s commitment is removed or questioned, the forces of Ancient Persia will prepare to act.
  • The missionaries of America have sent billions of dollars, along with saintly sons and daughters, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Biblical organizations have translated the Bible into the languages of thousands of hopeless people. Until this day, nothing moves the people of American churches to give and sacrifice more than missions. The Father has blessed America with a heart for the world.
  • We are the world’s liberator. Consider Japan, who bombed our Pearl Harbor, and the tens of thousands of soldiers that died before Japan was defeated and then liberated. We never sought to make them or any other country we liberated part of our American empire. The only thing we demanded was a place to bury our soldiers, our slain boys and girls. Consider France, Afghanistan, South Korea, and many others. The Father has used America to offer freedom to the world. Our soldiers have acted as military missionaries, often even carrying wounded enemies to our infirmaries.
  • The generous heart of America has responded and sent billions of dollars to an unending list of catastrophes. Whether the suffering is in America or in Iran, the liberal gifts of our citizens are always magnanimous. We are a wealthy nation. We have some people who are greedy and only think of self, but the majority of our population has a heart to help those that are suffering.

We must open our eyes and look in the direction of the liberals that are poised to guide America into the future. Abortion is only one of the evils we will face. The same-sex marriage agenda is being pushed to become accepted nationally. Unless we weep and travail over these sins and for those that promote them, nothing will change. God will not stuff our ballot boxes. We have sown seeds of sorrow and we must repent. You can repent for others, along with your own personal failures. Then, you can believe God to convict all of our hearts.

Judgment is waiting in the wings and our holy God will act in heartrending fury, but will always offer mercy. Watch for the hand of God to judge those that promote evil. Their judgment will be even worse than those that blindly follow them. The "Hate America Crowd" (liberal media, etc) has given us "Obama, the Fox." We will give them our unfailing petitions to our Omnipotent God!