No Accidents In Gods Universe

Jesus Christ said, “…and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear…” (Emphasis added) (Luke 21:25b-26a)

One word that is strikingly absent from the Bible is the word “accident.” There is no “good luck” or “bad luck” in all of human designs and plans. Churches that have removed God from “acts of nature” and “worldwide calamities” are woefully helpless to truly speak to human suffering. We only put a band-aid on human misery if we do not go to the heart of Scripture and give people Biblical answers. The Psalmist declared, “The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1) Note the word “fulness.” Every event on the face of this globe is known by God and He allowed it or He designed it. Apostle Paul to the Hebrews said of Christ, “…upholding all things by the word of his power…” (Hebrews 1:3b) He does not always have to act in each circumstance because His universe already operates on a moral code.

The secular news has purposely ignored the events planned in New Orleans this past week. The floodwaters inundated this wicked city only hours before a homosexual and lesbian party was to begin. Scheduled for Wednesday, August 31, 2005, to Monday, September 5, 2005, was a “gay” convention named “Southern Decadence.” Over 125,000 guests and participants were expected. They were expected to spend over one hundred thousand dollars. The word “decadence” means “degenerate, state of decay, a decline from a superior state, lacking in moral and physical vigor.” (Chambers English Dictionary, 1901-1999, p. 364) The announcements of this event were blatant to admit their moral depravity, even proud of their attack on standards of Godliness. We were created in the image of God; and when that image is reduced to beastly appetites it offends the Creator Himself, and it offends His creation.

We often forget that this universe is indeed a living mechanism infused with the very life of its Creator and that it reacts to the drama of human action. Purity produces prosperity, but depravity produces death and destruction. America is a history lesson in this truth and we are suffering intently because we have forgotten this lesson. This lesson has been the picture of every culture in the total history of this universe. When sin overwhelms the balance of purity and tips the scale of natural decency, the very system of nature begins to revolt. Because there is intelligence in GodÂ’s design of all things, the earth and natural events are a microcosm of human actions and blasphemies.

We often hear people use terms like “good luck” or “bad luck.” Again, there is no truth in these terms. It is superstition to suggest that life is relegated to forces of fate. It certainly serves the enemy of God and man when men drift on this sea of uncertainty. While God has a design for every living soul, His design cannot be fulfilled until we fully trust and obey Him and His “Manufacturer’s Handbook.” Outside of His design is an enemy and his horde of evil spirits. The Word of God warns us, “Neither give place to the devil.” (Ephesians 4:27) Jesus Christ Himself gave us a picture of what Satan has the power to do. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (St. John 10:10)

It is dangerous to live in this world where Satan has become a false god and has created many religions to hide behind in his passion to unseat the Creator. Protection does not exist except in the cross of GodÂ’s Son. Satan is on a leash and that leash is anchored to the cross. You remove or reject the cross and your life is left to the enemyÂ’s design. The cross is not a memorial to wear or a station to worship but a life to live. We share the cross of Christ only when we submit to its execution of the flesh. The majority of the present church world has changed the cross into a memorial instead of a gallows, and the result is religion without the power to defeat the enemy.

We must start recognizing the hand of God in every expression of this universe. Jesus warned us that exceeding fear would characterize the end of this church age. We will either learn “Great Faith”, or we will be immobilized by “Great Fear.” The time of “Tribulation Fear” has arrived. Jesus told us of this hour. He warned of, “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (St. Luke 21:26) The very words in the preceding verse stated, Â…and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.” (St. Luke 21:25b) Can the Word of God be plainer? There are no accidents, and you will serve your family and friends by recognizing the mighty acts of God in their Biblical context.