Effeminate Men Masculine Women

The strongest picture of our developing Antichrist society is the effeminate men and the dominant women. Look at the face of masculine women and you see “staunch jaws” and “dominant look” in their eyes. You can read their face and know that their husbands better walk the line, and, usually, he does or else. They will get their way or he will pay the price.

Effeminate men are just as troubling as masculine women. They fail to speak with authority to their children, and discipline is lost in the home. Undisciplined boys and girls develop a self-centered mindset that follows them all of their lives. Our society suffers the greatest today because of this failure in the home. A strong, Godly man with a voice of a priest is the greatest force in guaranteeing well-developed young people.

Children in these homes never develop the personality of the proper male and female characteristics. One radio personality has coined the term "femi-Nazi" for modern women. It is a descriptive term that mirrors where our society has arrived. The explosion of homosexuality and lesbianism is the natural consequence of a home life where GodÂ’s laws of authority have been forsaken.

God plainly set men as the priest in the home. He also set men as the bedrock of society and the elders of the church. Read the Book of Acts which is the manual of church life, and you will see their roles of God appointed, elders and shepherds.

The women are no less important in ministry but definitely different. Their role could never be accomplished by men and neither is it proper to try. Our Godly women are keepers at home and mothers of Israel in the church. To change these great tasks is destruction to the home, the church, and the society. How foolish our world has become in trying to switch these God appointed standards.

Children are the ones that suffer the most. Children raised under dominate mothers are crippled. From their mom they have learned to think with their emotions and to act by the same. Decisions from the emotions have little staying power and usually function like a roller coaster. Emotional decision making is whimsical and shallow. The cost alone of buying and acting by emotions is astronomical.

Even worse than the emotional aspect is the loss of proper role modeling. Girls raised by an effeminate father or boys raised by a masculine women cannot experience the strong character of leadership for the young man or the maturing character of the young lady. When they try to fit these roles, they find themselves frustrated and even angry. Marriages hardly have a chance at survival with these trouble lives.

A beautiful family is a picture of happiness. Men must be tender to tears and priestly in speech. Women are nurturers, acting in the wake of their priestly husbands and being the sweetheart of his life. Her strength grows as she stands beside her lover and his towering strength is like a rock to the household. The center of the husband and wivesÂ’ life is each other and the children learn to love home with mom and dad more than they love the world.

A man that loves his wife like Christ loves His church will quickly find out that nothing is more natural than for her to pour out herself back to him. Marriage is a rewarding life when the Bible is the handbook. The Spirit says, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 5:21-25). God’s order has no parallels or workable alternative.