The Marvel of His Grace

Nothing of the Christian experience matches the marvel of His Grace. A broken and dissipated life can be totally renewed and born anew. A discouraged and hopeless soul can be filled with a new and exciting future. Unhappiness can be turned to abundant joy. A sinful and sick past can be perfectly cleansed and free of sin sickness. Drug addiction, sex addiction, alcohol bondage, tobacco impurity can all be instantly freed and made whole as though none of it ever existed.

Grace is unmerited favor from the Father by Jesus Christ. You cannot earn it, inherit it, or buy it. It is the gift of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. His death on the cross was a complete redemptive act to earn from His Father the right to bring you into the family. He will not take you in the family as the dissipated sinner you are of yourself. He cleanses you, renews you, forgives you, and makes you whole from head to toe and then His Spirit renews the life of your spirit. ItÂ’s the greatest miracle known to human life.

In the Bible this total redemption was displayed over and over. A naked man with two thousand demons that lived in a tomb of the dead and could not be bound with chain — a raving maniac — was instantly and perfectly whole and sitting clothed at the feet of Jesus. That’s Grace! A women married five times and living with number six drinks at His invitation of living waters and is transformed. That’s Grace! A tax collector that has robbed his way to wealth climbed a tree just to see Him and gives half of his wealth to feed the poor. Jesus goes to his home proclaiming, salvation has come to your house. That’s Grace!

The Bible is the story of the sick and broken that came by Grace to the Lord’s table. David after grievous sins could sing, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” Paul after murdering the saints could write, “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross.” A thief dying right beside the suffering Son begged for mercy. The parched lips of a dying God/man parted and words of life slipped out to his ears, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” Grace had found another soul.

ItÂ’s priceless, but free grace paid for on a crude cross and is available to every living soul. Admit yourself a sinner, lost and incapable of earning your way to God. Quit trying to figure out your right to self esteem and success and admit the brokenness that fills all human life. Sin has invaded every corner of manÂ’s world. We all are lost until we look up to Jesus Christ alone and bow repenting at his feet.

The Son of God is incapable of rejecting you. It is not in His nature to say no when grace alone is claimed. When you surrender to Him, His love of you is wide open. Today, join this unworthy writer and together, one and all, bow at His feet anew. Christians must claim grace everyday of their life. We are saved by grace, we are kept by grace, we are renewed by grace, and we live the abundant life by grace. ItÂ’s a highway to heaven not just a starting point.