Jesus Said, ‘But As The Days of Noah Were’

Again Jesus said," So Shall It Be." What great evil filled the world of Noah will be the same lifestyle that will fill our World as we watch for the Rapture. There are 2,820,000 transvestites sites on the web. Sodomy and lesbianism is flooding the earth. Its not bad enough just to be a homosexual, the depth of that culture goes to deep to describe with pure language. The next wave to grip the world will be the idea of superhumans as occurred in Genesis Chapter six. I was amazed to learn that the word John used in I John 4: 1-6 for spirits we are to discern includes "Superhumans." It also includes angels and demons. Truly the imaginations of man’s heart is evil continually. If you have not been "Born Again" and are living the set apart life, its important you surrender today. We are here to help!