Jerusalem, Celebrating Your King

If Jerusalem can be made into an historical Palestinian city, then the Jews have no claim to Israel. But even more breathtaking, the Christians have no claim that a Jew named Jesus Christ was the Messiah. If Jerusalem is not the center of the Bible and the great history of Abraham’s seed, then both Judaism and Christianity is all fake. This is why the world, especially Islam, is determined to claim this God chosen city as their own. When President Obama is anxious to divide the city, he is attacking every Christian’s faith in this nation and the world. Palm Sunday is a special event when you understand the prophecy that sets this day over five hundred years earlier. It was Daniel that received this revelation of a seventy-week period of seven-day cycles. Sixty-nine weeks of this cycle were perfectly fulfilled as the Son of God rode this colt of a donkey into Jerusalem. The decree that sets this prophecy was issued by a pagan king named Artaxerxes in March 445 BC. To the very day, the four hundred and eighty-three years was fulfilled and is now a prophecy of a future celebration. The glorious and triumphant Christ will march with His multitude of returning saints into Jerusalem and free it for the last time. The Eastern Gate will be opened and He will enter the Holy Mount and cleanse it from the defilement of the Antichrist. This future celebration cannot occur until the Rapture and the Great Tribulation are finished. The seven years of “Jacob’s Trouble” is the same seven years that Jesus called the Great Tribulation. This is that seventieth week in the cycle of the seventy weeks. The Bible is the one perfect book.