It Is Finished

The Cross of Jesus Christ was a weapon used against the Son of God. It was the one of the most evil and cruel methods of death known to ancient civilizations. Criminals and enemies of the known governments kept the populace under control with the fear of such a cruel death. To think of The Precious Son of God dying in this manner grippes the heart. BUT something supernatural happened at Calvary. The Son of the Living God took this instrument of the darkest cruelty and turned it into a weapon that breaks the back of all Hell. That cruel weapon of the evil world is now our weapon of defeat against every enemy known to man. Sin cannot posses the soul empowered with the Cross. Disease was conquered while the Son of God was enthroned on that dark day. Demon spirits and powers of spiritual darkness are invading our world as we approach the end. Be not afraid if you have surrendered to the Cross. It is your weapon and Satan has no defense against it. E-mail us at