Hope Does Not Need A Crutch

If you lose your HOPE, you will sink. Actually, this great truth applies to every aspect of our lives but especially to the Christian Faith. The Biblical word hope is powerful indeed and means “Joyous Expectation.” A Christian that is full of hope is a shining individual that becomes refreshing and a strong encouragement to others. The Bible said the following about Abraham, “Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be” (Romans 4:18). A genuine experience of hope will give you the strength to look failure in the face and stand without flinching. Hope is the metal in your backbone or your Biblical backbone. When you read this passage of our text (Romans 5:1-6), you will see that hope begins with glorying in our tribulation. The Spirit did not say, “enduring our tribulation,” but said, “glorying in our tribulation.” This is where most Christians fail. We will endure them, but will we glory in them? I’m personally learning this in my old age. The principles of the Bible are supernatural truths. When you allow the Holy Ghost in you to manifest His perfect Word, everything in life starts changing. Actually, hope is the Holy Ghost in you making God’s Word come alive. This sermon could change your life!