Heavenly Jerusalem: The Destiny of the Raptured Saints

Every Saints that will stop long enough to view the city of God where He sits on His Majestic Throne and know that is soon to be home will start living ready to go. This generation is so earthly minded that heaven is off their radar. Death to today’s saints is like the end instead of the beginning. Most saints, at least those that claim to be saints, care to know little abou heaven. The enviormental movement has convinced most church members that we must save the earth’ but the Bible is absoluely plain that our God is about to judge the unclean mess. I’m for doing good things to help preserve our world but I know God’s wonderful plan and that’s my plan too. I’m getting ready to leave this world. The Rapture will occur at any moment. Those that are ready will be resurrected or raptured. I believe a great number of the "Left Behind" will see glorified saints as they arise and depart up into the clouds. Remember that a great crowd saw the Son of God as He went up into the sky.