The Election Satan Tried to Steal

I am used to spiritual warfare, and IÂ’m convinced that one of the greatest battles ever waged against a nation was just won by the saints of God in America. Political battles have often been waged by the enemies of America and other nations all the way back through history, but this one was important to the devil. The entire world is well on its way to becoming a One World Order, controlled and dominated by the Antichrist. Even though the devil will become the god of this world, everything is not automatically under his total control. The Jewish people will suffer greatly but will be saved at the end of the Great Tribulation. There are nations that are befriending Israel, and these nations will be rewarded by Jesus Christ as Sheep Nations; they will have a special place in the one thousand year Millennial Reign of the Son of God.

The humanists and liberals that did their absolute best to steal this election are clearly visible right now. John Kerry and John Edwards were pawns in the hands of a corrupt party, the liberal elitist arm of the media and the liberal organizations of abortionists, sodomites, Hollywood corrupters, and other similar crowds. We are in a cultural war that has already been won in most of Europe and is evident all over the world. The lines in this moral war are not always perfectly clear. At least half of the votes (55 million plus) that were cast for Kerry/Edwards were not cast for Kerry/Edwards, but against Bush/Cheney and all of us that represent the religious right in America. Set it in concrete that they hate us more than they hate Bush/Cheney.

I believe that the great God wants to give America a genuine New Testament revival. It may not begin until after the Rapture, but it will begin big time as soon as the saints are out of here. Americans know too much not to be gripped with repentance as soon as it is evident that the Son of God has removed His saints. On November 7, 2004, I listened to MSNBC reporter Chris Matthews talk about the Hollywood filth and how the good people of the “Red” states and counties hate the absolute garbage being spewed on television, radio, etc. all across our nation. There is a growing desire for a purer, cleaner world in which to live and raise our children, and God sees this hatred for the grossness of humanism and sodomy.

George W. Bush is only a president, and our hope is far greater than a political renewal. America needs a cleansing that can only occur when men repent and surrender to God by Jesus Christ. While the darkness of Antichrist is already growing and waiting in the wings to take world control, our God is not on leave. The seven hellish years of the Great Tribulation are much more than the dark activities of Satan, the Antichrist, the false prophets, and those under evil bondage. This coming Great Tribulation is actually a great cleansing and judging of every expression of sin and its corruption. When the seven years are completed, the earth will be a brand new Garden of Eden.

The fringe crowd on the religious right hates us just as clearly as the liberal left. America is on the world scene to fulfill a prophetic role unknown and hated by many. The same crowd that hates America also hates the renewed nation of Israel and its future prophetic role. Also, those that hate America and Israel also hate the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and the great seven years of judgment and cleansing. There are surely some exceptions to this list but almost everyone that rejects the Pre-Tribulation Rapture also rejects Israel and AmericaÂ’s unique responsibility.

The liberal political forces in America are soft on our support of Israel. They blame America for almost every ill in the world and they certainly reject Bible prophecy and the coming judgment. What we are in the process of accomplishing in the Middle East with Iraq is one of the greatest acts to fulfill Bible prophecy in our history as a nation. It all looks like intervention, unnecessary loss of lives, and an effort of futility to the liberal left and much of the world. President Bush may well have no idea of how Biblical his effort has been in Iraq. The stage is being set for the coming World Dictator that will actually make Iraq his center of gravity. Babylon is where the first one world order started and it is where it will end.

Look at the two sides in this past election. The rabbis in Israel were praying for George W. Bush to win. Osama Bin Ladin produced a tape for John Kerry. The Israel haters in America also hate George W. Bush, while the supporters of Israel voted for him. The fringe religious right that are vehement against the doctrine of the Rapture were also vehement against George W. Bush. The majority of Americans that believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture were Bush supporters. The liberal left that lied, cheated, and pulled out every dirty trick voted for John Kerry. The praying, Bible-believing Americans took out the stops to elect George W. Bush. The Bush supporters want to stop killing babies and to stop same sex marriages. The John Kerry crowd believes that Michael Moore is a mainstream American and that killing babies is a motherÂ’s right.

The devil lost this one, but do not go to sleep. He is still out on bail, and we are gathering evidence for his court appearance. Just as soon as the seven years of judgment and the Millennial Reign are over, we will be offering evidence to put him away for eternity. Please serve Jesus Christ with all of your heart so you can be at that great court appearance by the old, broken, and defeated Prince of Darkness. His days are numbered.

Joseph R. Chambers