Demons Loose And Demons Locked Up in the Abyss

Let’s learn what these loose demons are doing to everyone unprotected. The world of medicine has moved from the simple physical to the psychological. In this process the medicine does not help, so the new savior is treating with counseling by "shrinks". The entire system of the psychological world is humanistic and bankrupt. Children are more and more troubled by spirits because of the music they love, the Harry Potter books they read, etc. The only answer for these children is to clean up there life and to be delivered from these attacking spirits. Once a child or a youth is under these evil influences there is no victory unless those spirits are broken. Sexual sins from the least act to the worse depravity is the work of demon spirits. Hard Christ-rejecters automatically open themselves up to activity of Evil spirit. Jesus said, "The thief cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy…." St. John 10:10