Cherubims Assigned to Christs Church

It is a comforting joy to know that angels literally protect the Lord’s church. Of course, I am not speaking of the actual sanctuary, as important as it may be. The body of the church is His pastors and the flock of saints doing His business and worshipping Him. In the opening chapter of the Book of Revelation, we see seven churches and seven angels assigned to those churches. This is seen as a mystery of His glorious activities on the earth. “The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” (Revelation 1:20) The candlestick is a fitting type of the church now to be the “light of the world” in His stead. The stars are His cherubims or mighty angels, which are seen in His right hand or clearly revealed at His command. Their duty is the physical protection and ministering to His saints in His church.

This truth has given this pastor a great sense of assurance. Apostle Paul was truly conscious of these cherubims in the midst of the New Testament church. He said, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14) Note those two words, “sent forth.” They are on a mission from the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we must learn to trust that mission as part of our defense and offense. Our Lord of the church has clearly limited Himself in our midst to our surrender and faith. When we believe the promise and live in expectancy of that promise, watch out devils.

The Book of Acts is loaded with cherubim activity. They are always male because there are no female angels. The beauty of womanhood was created long after the great expanse of angelic creations. “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” (Matthew 22:30) Procreation was a marvelous gift to His human family and is reserved clearly for His earthly kingdom. God is not a confused mixture of manhood and womanhood. He is a masculine God and any idea of a co-redemptrix Mary is a diabolical lie out of the pit. These cherubims could enter a locked prison and lead the saints right out to safety without notice or without keys. The great Creator has given his church the keys to the operation of His Spiritual kingdom and He often sends angels to unlock the doors.

When Apostle Paul was on a doomed ship in the midst of a storm, cherubims arrived at the zero hour to assist the man of God. All of the crew, the prisoners, and the apostle were facing certain death until supernatural help arrived. In obedience to the instruction of the angels, every man was promised safety. The island of barbarians became the house of God for a divine and sovereign visitation. The island chiefÂ’s father was grievously sick but was healed by Paul, and so were many others. The report of this revival is reserved for heaven because it will surely be known on the day of the churchÂ’s full revelation.

When the church arrives at the wedding chamber directly in front of the Father’s throne in Revelation chapter four, this great host of cherubims that have been assigned to every true New Testament church will be strikingly present. These great angels have been the keepers of God’s saints on earth for two thousand years and they will protect the Raptured throng as we slip up through the steep of the sky. Demons, along with Satan, have their kingdom as the “prince of the power of the air.” (Ephesians 2:2) There will certainly be an army trying to stop the Rapture. The cherubims, acting for the Lord Jesus Christ, will be a guard to us in that triumphant moment. One great spokesman of truth announced that our Lord would come with thousands of His angels. “And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.” (II Thessalonians 1:7)

We see these cherubims in the symbolic number of “four living creatures” in Revelation chapter four present with the twenty-four (symbolic of a multitude) elders all before the throne of the great Creator (Jehovah God). The church was never assigned to do anything without the cherubims standing guard. I have read of many instances where great men of God were protected from angry revival resisters. Converted sinners have told of lying in wait for men of God only to be scared out of their wits by angels traveling in company with that servant of God. The angels were often unseen by that servant. Back when men were trusting God instead of the world’s system of protection, such stories were the church’s insurance program.

Nothing has changed in the kingdom of the New Testament church. Cherubims are still assigned to every called and anointed pastor. Every New Testament church has at least one cherubim on guard for the King. Our educated ministry of religious humanism has forfeited their activities, but they await our return to GodÂ’s plan for His church. ItÂ’s certainly shameful when GodÂ’s angels must stand in silence while hell is ravaging the houses of God. LetÂ’s change our church programs back to wait and believe for a sovereign visitation.