Back To The Father’s House

When the Son of God arose from the dead, it was just the beginning of His glorious triumph. He had absolutely defeated sin, death, and the grave. But now, the great results of His death will become a reality to every human soul that will believe and surrender. He appears to those that were His closest disciples and transformed saints. The people on the streets and at the locations where He appeared could not see Him except those to whom He revealed Himself. He was glorified and radiant in His resurrected body. The Bible tells us as an added proof of His resurrection that a great number of departed saints arose from their graves. “And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many” (Matthew 27:52-53). This may also happen when the Rapture occurs. When Jesus ascended to Heaven, He became our High Priest. Now, He appears before the Father to intercede in our behalf. He sits at the Father’s Right Hand and will even stand when our need requires it, as He did when Stephen was being stoned to death. He also has been given the responsibility of Headship over the Church. In the Book ofcRevelation, we see Him walking in the midst of the candlesticks, which represents the church universal and for all the church age until the Rapture. He also directs the Heavenly Host of angels. and is called “The Lord of Sabaoth.” Once He arrived in Heaven His first act was to prepare and send His Holy Spirit to baptize the awaiting saints, so they could evangelize the world. Everything He went to do, He is still doing. Wow!!!!