America Is In A Dark Crisis

Have we passed the point of no return? Of all the wild and un-American things the President Obama is doing, nothing matches his disregard for the Bible, Morality and Jerusalem. There are four key things we discuss in this broadcast. 1. The Islamic world has millions of radicals that are bent on destroying Israel and America. They will not be deterred by diplomatic maneuvering. This is an issue of there Koran and our Bible. 2. The Word of God is infallible and Homosexuality and Lesbianism are destroying acts of sin. This lifestyle will destroy any nation that allows there conduct to go unpunished. 3. Jerusalem is God’s city. It is soon to be the Capitol of a Holy Worldwide Kingdom of Jesus Christ. To suggest giving that city to anyone but Jews and Christians is blasphemy. 4. Obama really stepped over the line when he proposed to go into our classrooms with his cult-like demeanor and think to seduce out children into his camp. Hitler did that but he had already stolen the heart of the nation.Please send your questions or comments to