America And Breaking The Curse

America is having it’s first look on a major scale at the coming worldwide kingdom of the Antichrist. Here are some things you will hear over and over as this nation continues into this One World System. Bible believing Christianity is obsolete and out of fashion. Globalism is the new trend and love of country must become secondary to the Globalistic dream. There will be strange personalities that shine as they rescue us from disaster economically. The socialistic Medicine may not pass this time around, but it will be back and will become a part of the One World Order. You must prepare to know the healing powers of Jesus Christ because if He tarries that will be your hope. Attack on the Truth of the Pre-Tribulational Rapture will become a major rift. To preach the Rapture will soon become fighting words. Israel will soon be in a mindset to accept a treaty with the One World Order. The pressure in that direction is building as we try to sort out the direction of our world. There is also a false idea that the coming "Curse" is regional and will only affect a small part of the world. America is reeling from the present crisis, but the future will scare you even worse. Its time to live in the Word and walk with Jesus Christ every day. That’s the place of safety.Please send your questions or comments to