The Majesty of the “Old Rugged Cross”

The cross in the Roman culture was an instrument of shame and cruelty. A victim was made a spectacle for all to scorn. Authorities wanted the world to look on the crucified person as guilty and despised. The very scene at a place of execution was dark and foreboding. They were saying for all to see, “This person is nothing but a false prophet, a criminal or an enemy of the Jewish religion or the Roman government. The term “Old Rugged Cross” is our way of describing a crude and ugly picture. The cross was not beautifully carved or a well made instrument of death. After hundreds of years of men dying on stakes or crosses, the Son of God turned a dark and cruel means of death into a living example of love and grace. The only possible way this could have occurred was by the nature of the victim that was dying. The Son of God was Divine, right out of the Eternal Ages. He was guiltless and without sin or the sin nature. He was willing to die, in fact He was His Father’s sacrifice. They did not kill Him by crucifying Him. They could have crucified Him a thousand times and He would have still been very much alive. He died of His own choice. He said, “No man taketh my life from me, this commandment have I received from my Father, I have the power to lay it down and I have power to take it again.” (John 10: 18) The cross became a perfect example of His willing sacrifice. Now the cross has touched the world. “We glory in the cross” because it is where He washed our sins away. This Cross is the one single path to eternal life. All humankind that rejects the cross chooses damnation.

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5 thoughts on “The Majesty of the “Old Rugged Cross”

  1. Brother Chambers, The Cross is the center of the universe, The Lord Jesus Christ is our life (we walk in His footsteps) the Bible, is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, and God is our hevenly Father. How is that for our earthly and heavenly security?

  2. Dear Pastor Chambers

    Several months ago i had meditated on the very same thing, Our Lord Jesus let go, we could not kill him because he is life itself. With all the talk about that Shroud, does not one think that they would go for the blood and do DNA testing, if they did they would have seen the new creation! They could not explain it that would be for sure. (in my opinion the shroud is a fake)

    Father Abraham Abba Abraham, Tribes of Habiru, nailed its most prized possesions on the wood Post for their tent, this was start of this…

    God Bless

  3. Crucifixion was the worst way to die imaginable. Added to this was the severe scouraging and the punctures from the crown of thorns Jesus endured and you can see just what the price of saving the rest of us from our sins was.

    Sometimes I suspect we forget just what an ugly thing sin is. Thanks, Pastor Joseph, for reminding us what it cost God personally to reconcile us with him.

    Especially since none of us deserves it.

  4. How Glorious is it that our Father choose wood for the Lamb of the World as He knew that
    sin entered thru fruit from a tree. All Glory and Honor to our King.


    Dear Joe Chambers,

    There are some similarities between Washington DC today and Jerusalem in the time of Jesus. If Jesus went to Washinton DC today the POLITICALLY CORRECT LIBERAL BELTWAY CROWDS would have surely CRUCIFIED JESUS today. God’s reason for crucifying Jesus was that he was to be the sacrifice for our sins. The exact human reason that Jesus was crucified was that HE WAS NOT “POLITICLALY CORRECT”. The people that Jesus CONDEMNED THE MOST WERE THE REGULATORS(Pharisees & Scribes). They were the ones that IMOSED HARSH DRACONIAN REGULATIONS on the people just like the politicians, bureaucrats, and judges in Washington DC do today. Today’s PHARISEES IN WASHINGTON DC ARE THOUSANDS OF TIMES WORSE THAN THOSE IN JERUSALEM. What would he say to todays pharisees in Washinton DC. Here is what he probably would say “WOE UNTO POLITICIANS, FEDERAL JUDGES, BUREAUCRATS, REGULATORS, THINK TANKS, UNION LEADERS,, AND OTHERS IN POWER! FOR YOU PASS HARSH DRACONIAN LAWS THAT ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO KEEP (There are more than 80,000 pages in the Fedreal Register a list of all the Fedreal Laws passed by Congress, regulators, and courts. This is a thousand times worse than the laws passed by the Pharisees in the First Century) UPON OTHERS THAT YOU DO NOT EVEN APPLY TO YOURSELVES! O YOU HYPOCRITES! (the worst type of hypocrisy involves those in power including Congress imposing demands upon the masses that they do not even try to keep. Granting THEMSELVES EXEMPTIONS from harsh laws that they apply to others is the WORST SORT OF HYPOCRISY. God condemns these people more than others.) YOU RATTLE SNAKES AND COPPERHEADS! HOW SHALL YOU ESCAPE THE JUDGEMENT OF HELL? I WILL SEND YOU PROPHETS AND WISE MEN, AND YOU WILL BRUTALLY BEAT THEM UP, AND YOU WILL KILL THEM FOR VIOLATING YOUR “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” DOGMA. AND YOU SHALL BE HELD GUILTY OF THE BLOOD OF ALL THE RIGHTEOUS SAINTS THAT WOERE MURDERED FROM ABEL UNTO THE MOST RECENT MARTYRED SAINTS. VERILY SAY UNTO YOU THESE THINGS (JUGEMENT) COME UPON THIS VERY GENERATION. (Matthew 23;37 for today) O WASHINGTON! WASHINGTON! YOU THAT KILL THE PROPHETS, AND STONES ALL THOSE THAT ARE SENT TO YOU! I WANTED TO GATHER YOUR CHILDREN TOGETHER EVEN AS A HEN WOULD GATHER HER CHICKENS UNDER HER WINGS, BUT YOU WOULD NOT ALLOW THAT. BEHOLD YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT UNTO YOU DESOLATE!” Now you see what Jesus would have said to the folks in Washington DC. Like Jesus curse a FIG TREE in Jerusalem to protest against the hypocrites in Jerusalem, he would have also CURSED SOME CHERRY TREES along the Washington Mall. Would Jesus be crucified today? Yes they would crucify Jesus today in Washington DC. Here is the evidence, When Clarence Thomas was being questioned by the Senate Comittee, it was JUST LIKE THE SANHEGEN THAT TRIED JESUS. They hate Clarece Thomas fro being a Chistian. He complained about a “HIGH TECH LYNCHING!” They tried to CRUCIFY him. They were really trying to CRUCIFY JESUS BY PROXY. Would Jesus be Crucified Today in Washington DC? If he came to Washinton DC today the folks there would have surely crucified hime. They would probably do it on the Capitol Steps. Here is how a Crucifixion of Jesus might take place today. CROSS WOULD BE MADE OF RAILROAD TIES. RAIL SPIKES WOULD BE HAMERED INTO HIS HANDS AND FEET. The roman whip that was used on Jesus is mor than just strings satted at him. It was MORE LIKE LOOSE CHAIN SAW BLADES ON THE END OF A STICK. The Romans SAWED OF HIS SKIN. To day they would probably use a powered WEED EATER THAT SPINS A STRING. This also would take the skin off. for crown of thorns they would use barbed wire rolled up. That show how cruel that they would be to Jesus. If you read some of the last Chapters of Mathew and substitute Washington DC for Jerusalem, it would apply just as much today in Washinton as it did to Jerusalem in time of Christ. The Olivett Discourse (for Americans CHERRY TREE DISCOURSE) would appy just asmuch today as it then today as it did for Jerusalem in First Century. Judgement is comming. Our nation cannot escape it. It will be upon our very generation. THE POLITICALLY CORRECT LIBERALS ALREADY CRUCIFIED JESUS IN THEIR HEARTS.

    Lord Jesus Come quickly.


    Keith Black