Liberalism A Cloak for Atheists and the Antichrist

With John Kerry and John Edwards racing to take over the White House, liberalism has leaped to the front page of America. John Kerry has the number one voting record for liberals in the present Senate, John Edwards has the number five record. The icon of liberalism in America, Ted Kennedy, is a little better than Kerry and a little worse than Edwards. What a trio of liberal emptiness. Not all liberals are atheists because liberalism by nature has a thinly veiled religious facade. Fundamental Christianity is the opposite of liberalism. Most of America is somewhere between the two ends. Rush Limbaugh is no radical conservative. I often want to wash his mouth out with soap.

Liberalism is only a short distance from communism. Communism is an unattainable political system because the Creator created men to have self-determination. It flies in the face of everything we are created to be. Man was made to have dominion not be dominated. The human family was created to discipline itself. Men and women will not be ruled over without either becoming a ward of the state or rebelling against the state. America has a multitude of both because government has taken too much upon itself. Liberals survive by expanding their offer to do more and more to get your vote. It’s like a communist octopus reaching its tentacles into more and more control of your life. This is the nature of Antichrist.

Nothing reveals the atheistic nature of liberalism more than the bent to allow the killing of unborn children. Anyone that believes in abortion or even allowing abortion is an atheist. They are Godless and cannot be called anything else. Hillary Clinton, the mistress of liberalism, wrote her book, It Takes A Village, as a cover-up of her atheistic nature. I do not mean that this was her design; rather it is the nature of her liberal mind. In cultures of the past, only heathens sacrificed children to their gods. Today, we have government-protected killing of children. Again, this is the nature of Antichrist.

If liberals have their way, same-sex marriage will become commonplace all over our nation. The spirit of this moral rot will leave every community of America unclean and filled with sickness. You cannot separate sex diseases from immorality of conduct. Caring and family communities all across our fruited plains are becoming infected brothels, drug havens, and unfriendly places to live. There are very few communities that do not have hangouts for both drug addicts and sodomites. Liberals have already passed laws that forbid anyone to deny renting a house because the renter is a sodomite or a couple shacking up. The same laws apply to selling property.

Public education is no longer acceptable to genuine Bible believers. The liberals have passed their laws forbidding the discipline of children. Most public school teachers spend fifty percent or more of their time trying to discipline by the new psychological techniques. The best description of these methods is a "band-aid." Our education system has dumbed down until, for most children, it’s a joke. The education unions now control the system and changing it is nearly impossible. The cost for this system is totally out of control. No private business could survive with the level of incompetency that characterizes this arm of our government. Christians and a multitude of educators have fled to private, Christian or home schools for their children while they earn good salaries maintaining the dysfunctional public schools.

Liberalism is vile and mean and cannot survive except by hook and crook. Consider the eight years of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Corruption was epidemic in the White House. They could not leave without trashing the place. The jet that carried them out of Washington was trashed in the process. The present governor of New Jersey is another example. The entire state was put at risk while he hired his sodomite lover to run the Homeland Security. He announces his resignation by proclaiming himself a "gay American." This kind of sleaze is perfect liberalism. The meanness we have seen from Governor Howard Dean, Senator Ted Kennedy, and former Vice President Al Gore should be enough to cure America of the liberals. All of it is vintage Antichrist.

Liberalism is bankrupt. It never was anything else but now we see the rot first hand. Liberalism cannot survive but it can destroy while it falls in on itself. The only way liberalism has survived this long in America is because of the "wards of the state" they have created. The vast crowds of voters that depend on more and more from these liberal politicians keep electing them. The slaves of the plantation owners were no more slaves than the millions of Americans that serve the liberal politicians of our day.

The Great Creator of fundamental Christianity created you to be successful, happy, self-determined, and free. You are not a slave to government or to anyone else. Delight in this Great God that gave His Son. Trust Him and let Him help you make something out of yourself. Shed the thought that you cannot be someone special. Build your life on the Word of God. "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (Psalm 37:4)

Joseph R. Chambers