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John The Revelator Saw

Enjoy these articles that show all the exciting visions that John was shown by the Holy Spirit!

…Saw the Rapture like a drama

…Saw the Saints at the Marriage Supper

…Saw the drama of our present church world

…Saw repentant sinners dying like flies

…Saw the city of Celestial Bliss

…Saw a beast of a god worshiped by the world

…Saw the Shekinah Glory of Jesus Christ

…Saw the Nature of the Antichrist

…Saw Jesus Christ crowned King of Kings

…Saw the Title Deed of this earth

…Saw the Beastly “Assyrian Antichrist”

…Saw the weather patterns gone berserk

…Saw the reversal of God’s order for the world

…Saw 144,000 Jews converted to Christ after the Rapture

…Saw Jesus Christ in all His Glory

…Saw The Father on His throne

…Saw Babylon, capitol of the antiChrist, obliterated

…Saw the Temple of God in Heavenly Jerusalem

…Saw The Golden Kingdom of Jesus Christ

…Saw the feminization of the end times church

…Saw the last seven years of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks of Years – Part 1

…Saw the last seven years of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks of Years – Part 2

…Saw the last seven years of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks of Years – Part 3

…Saw the wicked trembling before the Throne of God

…Saw Jesus Christ on the Throne of David

…Saw God in Three Persons

…Saw the immutability of Holy Scripture

…Saw the Fire coming

…Saw the Rapture believing Christians hated by the whore church

…Saw satan cast out of Heaven down to the Earth

…Saw the Bride of Christ receiving the highest reward

…Saw the vicarious triumph of Christ’s Divine Blood

…Saw the Books opened in Heaven

…Saw satan cast into the bottomless pit

…Saw the antiChrist and his same sex marriage crowd

…Saw the Jezebel church cast into the Great Tribulation

…Saw the Glorified Saints occupying the White House

…Saw a multitude of Angels and Cherubims

…Saw the River Of Grace